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description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation Empty[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Hello Winter!

I have found another intersting bug (or bugs if you count it several times). When I remove Fonts (Ebrima, Gadugi, Leelawadee, Mongolian Baiti, MV Boli, Nirmala UI, SimSun, Sylfaen) and then install Microsoft Office (in my case 2016) then I get the following error during the installation:

[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation Index10

It says that I need to check my administrative rights, altough I am in the admin account.

Can someone please confirm this behaviour?

Kind regards,

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Hi Markus,
yes, MS-Office seems to react sensitive when fonts were removed.
I found a way, that works for me without error messages while installing MS-Office.
Maybe this can help you a little bit.

Removed Fonts:


"Cambria", "Candara", "Comic Sans MS", "Corbel", "Ebrima", "Franklin Gothic", "Gabriola", "Gadugi", "Georgia", "Impact", "Javanese Text", "Leelawadee",
"Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Malgun Gothic", "Microsoft Himalaya", "Microsoft JhengHei", "Microsoft New Tai Lue", "Microsoft PhagsPa",
"Microsoft Sans Serif", "Microsoft Tai Le", "Microsoft YaHei", "Microsoft Yi Baiti", "MingLiU", "Mongolian Baiti", "MS Serif", "MS Sans Serif", "MV Boli",
"Myanmar Text", "Nirmala UI", "Palatino Linotype", "SimSun", "Sitka", "Sylfaen", "Trebuchet MS", "Vector (Modern, Roman and Script)", "Yu Gothic"

Do NOT remove:


   <Element Category="Remove - Languages" Name="United Kingdom" Selected="false" Value="en-GB" />
   <Element Category="Remove - Languages" Name="United States" Selected="false" Value="en-US" />
   <Element Category="Remove - Keyboards" Name="English (UK)" Selected="false" Value="0809" />
   <Element Category="Remove - Keyboards" Name="English (US)" Selected="false" Value="0409" />

Set "Protect MS Office" to ON:


   <Element Category="Presets" Name="Protect MS Office" Selected="true" />

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Once again, thank you for your quick response!

I set the protection for Microsoft Office to on like you did, did not remove the Keyboards nor the languages you mentioned and removed (as you can see above) less Fonts. Smile

And if I simply keep the Fonts then everything is good. So either one of those Fonts is causing the trouble, all Fonts are, or the cleanup process (expert sxs, or remove unused files etc.) is responsible.


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

You can try to build a new winreduced iso with no font removed.
If the office install will not run into the error, you know that one or more removed fonts causes this error.
You can try to find out, with many winreduced iso's, but I think thats a lot of hard work and we are talking about fonts.

Keep in mind, that you can simply delete them out of the c:\windows\fonts folder after the installation of windows.
When you like to have it "a little bit cleaner", you can remove the font entry with regedit in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts

Yes, I know that this is not "the winreducer" way, but you will spend a lot of work to find out, which component is responsible for the error.
If you have a lot of fun in working with winreducer and find out problems ( like me ), than go for it.
If your goal is only to install office without a error message, try to build an iso without removing fonts, install office and after that, you can delete the fonts you dont need.

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Thank you once again!

Ok, so I took the other way round and started with only removing the Fonts, which resulted in the same errors! And then I did some more runs, and tried to remove only some out of my 9 Fonts and it seems that almost all of them result in those errors. So for me the best way is to keep them for now and "reduce" them after Windows is installed. Anyway, I hope this might help other user facing the same problems! Smile

Kind regards,

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

caphp wrote:

Removed Fonts:


"Cambria", "Candara", "Comic Sans MS", "Corbel", "Ebrima", "Franklin Gothic", "Gabriola", "Gadugi", "Georgia", "Impact", "Javanese Text", "Leelawadee",
"Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Malgun Gothic", "Microsoft Himalaya", "Microsoft JhengHei", "Microsoft New Tai Lue", "Microsoft PhagsPa",
"Microsoft Sans Serif", "Microsoft Tai Le", "Microsoft YaHei", "Microsoft Yi Baiti", "MingLiU", "Mongolian Baiti", "MS Serif", "MS Sans Serif", "MV Boli",
"Myanmar Text", "Nirmala UI", "Palatino Linotype", "SimSun", "Sitka", "Sylfaen", "Trebuchet MS", "Vector (Modern, Roman and Script)", "Yu Gothic"

Do NOT remove:


 <Element Category="Remove - Languages" Name="United Kingdom" Selected="false" Value="en-GB" />
 <Element Category="Remove - Languages" Name="United States" Selected="false" Value="en-US" />
 <Element Category="Remove - Keyboards" Name="English (UK)" Selected="false" Value="0809" />
 <Element Category="Remove - Keyboards" Name="English (US)" Selected="false" Value="0409" />

Set "Protect MS Office" to ON:


 <Element Category="Presets" Name="Protect MS Office" Selected="true" />


i got the same error. i removed all languages exept german and used the MS Office preset, also i keot the fonts you mentioned on top, but i also needed to keep "Calibri" and now it works.

I use an RS5 iso and office 2016

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Hi hauser.markus
You should not delete the fonts below
Segoe MDL2 Assets
Segoe Script
Segoe UI Symbol

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Thank you guys for your help. Maybe I was not all that clear at first - I only deleted those Fonts mentioned above, nothing else and then this happens Smile But I really thank you for your help and further investigation! Smile

As for me this is not a Winreducer problem it can be closed! Thank you!

Best regards,

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation


i posted it for the future if i remove it and get this error i can look it here up Wink

but i think that those should be also protected by the MS Office Preset

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

hi hauser.markus

Did it work ?


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Hi guys!
@ KrX: yes it is always good to have some place to look it up Smile
@ icy007: Thank you! Yes if I keep the Fonts i mentioned above it works for me Smile - but I have noticed that different Microsoft Office versions need different Fonts.

Best regards,

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Hi hauser.markus

Thank You for confirming my conclusion was wright


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

So I did a deep investigation and this are my test setups and results:
- WinReducerEX100_v. 64bit
- Windows 10 1903 german 64bit
- Office 2016 Professional Plus german 32bit
- I only wanted to delete the hidden Fonts as they do not seem relevant to me (exept for the hidden gothic fonts as they are known to be used by some programs e.g. Adobe)
- I only selected all the protect presets and nothing else
- I deleted the following seven fonts (Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU, Myanmar Text)
- I encountered that (Microsoft JhengHei and Microsoft YaHei) are causing the same error I mentioned in the first post
- I noticed that even tough I removed the fonts the size of the ISO stays the same (I guess that this means either Windows does not install or store them in the ISO, only a Link or something similar, or WinReducer has some trouble freeing the space => can you please check that Winterstorm2050?)
- If I find some time I will check through my first 9 mentioned Fonts once again to see if something has changed since WinReducer has updated quite a bit

Best regards,

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Hi hauser.markus
I do not know what You are using  in office
I am only using exell and word files and i do not use at all Office.Instead i use
WPS Office which is  compatible with Exell,Word and Presentation.
If this should suit You , You should try it
There a some more Office compatible programs.
I used  Office a few monts ago, i now use WPS
I never had any problems nor with Office nor with WPS Office.
I think You deleted somewhere necessary program code, 
i think also that all those asian , arabic etc fonts are not  needed to run office , they were never a problem for me.
Mayby Wjndows 10 V 1903 changed, but i doubt it.

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Hi hauser.markus
I forgot to say that Onedrive is needed to run Office

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Hi to everyone!

Here is my conclusion to this topic:
- I did ran through every of the 9 fonts I mentioned in the first part again and guess what, only two out of those are causing troubles: Gadugi and Nirmala UI
- So to sum this up those 4 fonts cause this error and should be protected in the protect office preset (- Gadugi, - Microsoft JhengHei, - Microsoft YaHei, - Nirmala UI)
- these 14 fonts can be removed just fine (at least for my configuration => see above): Ebrima, Javanese Text, Leelawadee, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU, Mongolian Baiti, MV Boli, Myanmar Text, SimSun, Sylfaen
- @winterstorm: can you add those 4 fonts to the protection please? And can you please check why the size of the ISO does not change either if you remove some fonts or leave them be?

I hope this is usefull for somebody else but me Smile

Best regards,

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Have a look

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description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

hauser.markus wrote:
Hi to everyone!

Here is my conclusion to this topic:
- I did ran through every of the 9 fonts I mentioned in the first part again and guess what, only two out of those are causing troubles: Gadugi and Nirmala UI
- So to sum this up those 4 fonts cause this error and should be protected in the protect office preset (- Gadugi, - Microsoft JhengHei, - Microsoft YaHei, - Nirmala UI)
- these 14 fonts can be removed just fine (at least for my configuration => see above): Ebrima, Javanese Text, Leelawadee, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft PhagsPa, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MingLiU, Mongolian Baiti, MV Boli, Myanmar Text, SimSun, Sylfaen
- @winterstorm: can you add those 4 fonts to the protection please? And can you please check why the size of the ISO does not change either if you remove some fonts or leave them be?

I hope this is usefull for somebody else but me Smile

Best regards,


i cant agree with that since i need for my RS5 iso and my office 2016 all the fonts caphp mentioned here:

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+ Calibri

so that i dont get this error during installation

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

Concerning Microsoft Office, the only needed font is consolas, Office  will not install without it
Concerning Segoe MDL2 Assets , Segoe Script , Segoe UI Symbol
These are needed to display icons used by the system and also for the System Functions :
The kind of very big horseshoe when booting when displaying the user is one
Task View Icon on the taskbar
All the icons in all the settings Items : 
Taskbar , Windows settings , all kind of buttons , all Small Windows items on the Desktop etc

If there are problems and these fonts are not removed, then the problem is elsewhere,trust me !


description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

@KrX: can you please try my wccf (with only those 14 fonts active):

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P.s. I used the ISO provided from (Win10_1903_V1_German_x64.iso) (

@icy: Thank you once again for your input, but as I have written before, I never removed anything else except the 14 fonts I mentioned. So this means I never removed your suggestions Smile

Best regards,

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v2.1.1.0] [RS5 Build 1803_x64] Removing Fonts leads to errors during Microsoft Office 2016 installation

As this is not a Winreducer bug I will close this topic as solved.

Best regards,
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