With the following in my preset:
My AutoUnattend (custom made) causes the windows installation to report "No images are available". My unattend file uses index/1 and shouldn't the above optimizations reduce the install down to only one image anyway, so only 1 is valid?
If I delete the AutoUnattend the setup presents me only one option, Professional Workstation N, which I had used in WR
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="ISO - Boot - Clean Boot Wim" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="ISO - Boot - Delete Unneeded Editions" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="ISO - Windows - Delete Unneeded Editions" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="ISO - Delete Unneeded Files" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="ISO - Compression Mode" Selected="true" Value="Maximum" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="Windows - Registry Optimizer" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="Windows - Unneeded Files Cleanup" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="Windows - WinSXS Backup Folder Cleanup (boot.wim)" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="Windows - WinSXS Backup Folder Cleanup (install.wim)" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="EXPERT - Deep Cleanup" Selected="false" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="EXPERT - Net Framework Complete Cleanup" Selected="false" Value="" Other="" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="EXPERT - Net Framework Light Cleanup" Selected="false" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="EXPERT - Windows Updates Files Cleanup" Selected="false" Value="" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="EXPERT - WinSXS Folder Cleanup (boot.wim)" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="EXPERT - WinSXS Folder Cleanup (install.wim)" Selected="false" />
<Element Category="Optimizations" Name="EXPERT - WinSXS Folder Compression" Selected="true" Value="LZX" />
<Element Category="Presets" Name="Automatic Removing Process" Selected="false" />
<Element Category="Presets" Name="Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" Selected="false" />
<Element Category="Presets" Name="Automatic Removing Process (Expert Optimization)" Selected="false" />
(and all other presets = true)
My AutoUnattend (custom made) causes the windows installation to report "No images are available". My unattend file uses index/1 and shouldn't the above optimizations reduce the install down to only one image anyway, so only 1 is valid?
If I delete the AutoUnattend the setup presents me only one option, Professional Workstation N, which I had used in WR