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description[ANSWERED] WR 2.0.4 RS5: Loaded WCCF changes significantly after reducing Empty[ANSWERED] WR 2.0.4 RS5: Loaded WCCF changes significantly after reducing

1. I load this preset:

Load this :

The differences between what I requested and what I got are:
Differences (from true to false) :

description[ANSWERED] WR 2.0.4 RS5: Loaded WCCF changes significantly after reducing EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WR 2.0.4 RS5: Loaded WCCF changes significantly after reducing

Hello scottallthefriends,

Are you using "Automatic Removing Process" ?

Because it will modify your selected components according to all other components you need to keep ... this is done in both ways : components removing and protection !

description[ANSWERED] WR 2.0.4 RS5: Loaded WCCF changes significantly after reducing EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WR 2.0.4 RS5: Loaded WCCF changes significantly after reducing

winterstorm2050 wrote:
Hello scottallthefriends,

Are you using "Automatic Removing Process" ?

Because it will modify your selected components according to all other components you need to keep ... this is done in both ways : components removing and protection !

Are you saying the if Automatic Removing Process = false that all of the Protection options below it don't matter whether they're set to true/false?

description[ANSWERED] WR 2.0.4 RS5: Loaded WCCF changes significantly after reducing EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WR 2.0.4 RS5: Loaded WCCF changes significantly after reducing

In WinReducer EX-Series software you have 2 different modes :

- Automatic mode : activated with "Automatic Removing Process" set to "true" ... EX-100 will automatically decide which components to keep or remove, and which protect presets components are required for all components you selected to remove or keep ... for example, if you want to use "Optimizations - EXPERT - WinSXS Folder Cleanup (boot.wim)" [set to "true"] so it will automatically activate [set to "true"] the "Optimizations - ISO - Boot - Clean Boot Wim" component ==> in the future, this part will be hugely improved and will be much more efficient Smile

- Manual mode : ["Automatic Removing Process" component set to "false"] ... you need to decide by your own which component you need to remove or keep. Of course in this mode you may easily break a windows functionality you need (because you remove a necessary component) ... this includes to manually select all protection presets you need Smile
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