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description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work Empty[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work

I've noticed that in the last two versions of EX-100, the setting "ISO - Delete Unneeded Files" doesn't do anything. I've also noticed that in the preset file created when WinReducer finishes it's work, the following options are switched off (IE. set to false) even if I had them switched on when I ask WinReducer to run the various tasks on my WIM file:


    <Element Category="Optimizations" Name="ISO - Delete Unneeded Files" Selected="true" />
    <Element Category="Optimizations" Name="Windows - Unneeded Files Cleanup" Selected="true" />
    <Element Category="Optimizations" Name="Windows - WinSXS Backup Folder Cleanup" Selected="true" />

WinReducer does appear to run these three tasks if I have the "Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" option switched on but I keep it off because this option also deletes all Windows Editions that are not loaded from my WIM.

You can find a copy of the WCCF file I am using here if it helps: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work


This is not a bug, these components are not used in the case ... you activate "Presets - Automatic Removing Process" and at the same time you disable "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" and "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Expert Optimization)".

This is the purpose of the "Automatic Removing" ... it removes or protect all dependent components based on the settings you choose.

In you case, you need to activate "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" and "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Expert Optimization)" to get them used in your ISO.

I wish you to have a nice day !

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work

That's strange because this isn't how WinReducer used to behave. WinReducer used to remove those files even though I had "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" and "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Expert Optimization)" switched off.

If the way WinReducer behaves now is intended, then I have a different bug to report:
If I switch "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" and "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Expert Optimization)" on, then WinReducer deletes editions from my WIM file even though I had "ISO - Windows - Delete Unneeded Editions" switched off. In fact, I see that the WCCF file created by WinReducer has the following options switched on even though they were switched off when I asked WinReducer to process the tasks I gave it:


   <Element Category="Optimizations" Name="ISO - Boot - Delete Unneeded Editions" Selected="true" />
    <Element Category="Optimizations" Name="ISO - Windows - Delete Unneeded Editions" Selected="true" />
    <Element Category="Optimizations" Name="EXPERT - WinSXS Folder Cleanup (boot.wim)" Selected="true" />

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work

Let's assume that "Automatic Removing" is switch "ON" :
- "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" is "OFF" : all dependent components are automatically switched "OFF"
- "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" is "ON" : all dependent components are automatically switched "ON"

Then let's assume that "Automatic Removing" is switch "OFF" :
- "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" is "OFF" : all dependent components are automatically switched "OFF"
- "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" is disabled

All options in the "Automatic Removing" ("Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" and "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Expert Optimization)") are totally dependent from the check status of the main  "Automatic Removing" option.

P.S. : Just for the record, all "Presets - Protect" options have the priority over all other components ... including "Automatic Removing".

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work

I just want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly. My interpretation of what you're saying is that it is no longer possible to select which ISO Removal options you want to apply; if you switch "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" on, all the ISO removal options are switched on and if "Presets - Automatic Removing Process (Optimize ISO Size)" is off, all ISO removal options are switched off. Is this correct?

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.11.0] [RS3 Build 16299.19] Regression: Various Optimization options no longer work


Yes, you are correct ... but this is the case only if you activate "Presets - Automatic Removing Process" (the main option).
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