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description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.9.0] [RS3 build 1709 16.299] Empty[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.9.0] [RS3 build 1709 16.299]


I have a folder with some files (pdf, word...) that I want to integrate to the iso.

The idea, is that once windows is installed, the folder is present on the desktop.

How can I do this ?

Thank you

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.9.0] [RS3 build 1709 16.299] EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.9.0] [RS3 build 1709 16.299]

For this you can use UltraISO and GImageX.

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.9.0] [RS3 build 1709 16.299] EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.9.0] [RS3 build 1709 16.299]


if you want it to be available for all users you could mount your iso with winreducer, after that go to WinReducerEX100_x64\WORK\MOUNT   and than to Users\Public\Desktop\

there you can put your files.

if you want to only got them on your own user you will need to let it move to the desktop after the first login (after your user is created). so you could do that with an SFX archive and let it extract your files to the desktop. add the sfx archive in winreducer -> system -> winreducer post install -> oobe

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.9.0] [RS3 build 1709 16.299] EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.9.0] [RS3 build 1709 16.299]

I choosed the method from KRX and it worked !

Thank you both for your help Smile

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.9.0] [RS3 build 1709 16.299] EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v1.9.9.0] [RS3 build 1709 16.299]

good that it worked Wink
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