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description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v1.9.7.0] missing Send-to-Mail shortcut Empty[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v1.9.7.0] missing Send-to-Mail shortcut

I removed "Windows Mail" but kept "Windows Mail (Send to Desktop shortcut)".

But the Send-to Mail-Shortcut is not available.

Technically, the "Mail Recipient.MAPIMail" file is missing in the
users "...\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\"

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v1.9.7.0] missing Send-to-Mail shortcut EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v1.9.7.0] missing Send-to-Mail shortcut

SOLVED in v1.9.8.0 !

Hello sirob Smile

This is not a bug, because this is a dependency of the Windows Mail component ... but I will split the "Send-to Mail-Shortcut" in a new component named "Windows Mail (Send to Mail shortcut)" Wink

description[SOLVED] [EX-100 - v1.9.7.0] missing Send-to-Mail shortcut EmptyRe: [SOLVED] [EX-100 - v1.9.7.0] missing Send-to-Mail shortcut

Thank you!
This shortcut is not only for Windows Mail. You can use it for any other mail program (Thunderbird, Outlook etc).
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