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Can't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account

4 posters

descriptionCan't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account - Page 2 EmptyRe: Can't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account


For the moment it should be better to do not use the Dism option in unattended part, but you may try to use :
- "Optimizations - ISO - Boot - Clean Boot Wim"
- "Optimizations - ISO - Boot - Delete Unneeded Editions"
- "Optimizations - ISO - Windows - Delete Unneeded Editions"
- "Optimizations - ISO - Compression Mode" : "Maximum" compression is a good choice between speed and size ... use "Recovery" only if you really need an even smaller size but with huge time consuming process
- "Optimizations - Windows - WinSXS Backup Folder Cleanup"
- "Optimizations - EXPERT - Net Framework Light Cleanup"
- "Optimizations - EXPERT - WinSXS Folder Cleanup (boot.wim)"

==> With these options, you should have a much smaller ISO size, than with the options you tried to use.

Let me the result Smile

descriptionCan't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account - Page 2 EmptyRe: Can't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account

Thanks! Well, I only have one edition so I don't think I need to choose those options to remove unneeded editions. Also, if I don't choose the hide boot image selection in Unattend I'll be asked before the install what edition I want to install which doesn't make any sense since like I said I only have one. But if I choose those options regarding "WinSXS" will the install take so long like before (but maybe less time) and affect something I may need? if I check that option regarding Net Framework won't I have any problems in the future, also (like running some programs or apps)? Will "Maximum" in "WinISO Configuration ISO Compression Mode" take a lot of time (although less than "Recovery") and the ISO take more disk space than if I had chosen "Recovery" in "WinISO Configuration ISO Compression Mode"? And the main problem is to not be able to create a local account and remove the password hint and the password confirmation. Could you tell me what are the "Express settings" on "Protect your PC" in Unattend? Will I be able to boot my Windows 10 PESE through YUMI if I check the "ISO - Boot - Delete Unneeded Editions"?

EDIT: What about the Windows Updates? The program scans and downloads them? Do I have to download Net Framework 4.7? If I disable Cortana will I be able to use Windows Search?

EDIT 2: I checked your recommended options except the "Optimizations - EXPERT - Net Framework Light Cleanup" since according to the information it could break some programs. I also chose "LZX" in "WinSXS2 Expert WinSXS Folder Compression" (along with "Maximum" in "WinISO Configuration ISO Compression Mode"), it took a while to create the ISO and the install took a lot of time again doing something in cmd (if I had chosen "Recovery" in "WinISO Configuration ISO Compression Mode" it would take even more time to create the ISO, I bet)!

EDIT 3: Now I checked your recommended options (except the "Optimizations - EXPERT - Net Framework Light Cleanup") and didn't choose an option in WinSXS Folder Compression and it was faster installing since it didn't do something using cmd so now I've figured what caused it and probably won't choose an option in "WinSXS Folder Compression" even if the install takes more disk space. I don't know if I'll choose "Recovery" in "WinISO Configuration ISO Compression Mode", though. I also used NTLite's autounattend since with it I don't have problems creating a local account and don't have annoying steps to fulfill.

descriptionCan't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account - Page 2 EmptyRe: Can't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account

It looks like WinReducer removed my languages and keyboard and instead of having portuguese (Portugal) I have portuguese and japanese (!) and regarding the keyboard I have two portuguese (Brazil) instead of portuguese (Portugal) and I used NTLite's autounnatend (if that affects something)! I don't know what I did wrong! I had a problem regarding the kayboard in NTLite but I finally solved it so do you think I can use NTLite first to set it the right way, keep its autounnatend and afterwards use WinReducer and save NTLite's autounnatend in WinReducer's ISO with a program like UltraISO? Will I have any problems or is it possible to solve this problem without using NTLite?

descriptionCan't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account - Page 2 EmptyRe: Can't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account


I may have a look at this, but I need some additional information:
- your Windows 10 RS3 Edition : Pro, Home, ... ?
- your Windows 10 RS3 language and keyboard ?
- your wccf (in order to test it)


descriptionCan't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account - Page 2 EmptyRe: Can't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account

It's Windows 10 Enterprise x64 RS3. Portuguese (Portugal) keyboard and Portuguese (Portugal) language. I now have somehow two brazilian keyboards (ABNT1 and ABNT2, whatever that is) and japanese language.
I also have Pseudo-locale (according to NTLite), whatever that is (I don't know if I should remove it). I only want to have Portuguese (Portugal) language and Portuguese (Portugal) keyboard. Here is my wccf (it doesn't let me post it here):

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I didn't change a thing in Unattend (and now I tried without NTLite's and I had the same results) and I removed every language and keyboard (except the Portuguese (P) regarding the latter).

descriptionCan't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account - Page 2 EmptyRe: Can't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account

Is it normal to only have inside sources folder boot.wim, ei.cfg.bk, install.wim, lang.ini and setup.exe and to not have support folder, autorun.inf and setup.exe after using WinReducer?

WinReducer's unattend mentions a Skip Cortana Setup option. What is it? I've never seen it. It also mentions an Express Settings for OOBE. What is that? Should I set it false or leave it blank (talking about that, what's the difference between setting it false or blank in this case and others)? And it looks like WinReducer's unattend's "WinSXS DISM Cleanup" option makes the install slower by doing things in cmd just like the "WinSXS Folder Compression" option out of WinReducer's unattend's section. What happens if I close the cmd window?

EDIT: After another test I'll have to use NTLite's autounattend (I couldn't create a local account again with WinReducer's) but I'm not seeing how since it causes problems when initially it didn't.

descriptionCan't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account - Page 2 EmptyRe: Can't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account

Hello Windows 10 User,

1) I tested this ISO ("16299.15.170928-1534.rs3_release_CLIENTENTERPRISEEVAL_OEMRET_x64FRE_pt-br.iso"), with your wccf, the windows installation works OK ...Then I selected in the "Unattended" tab, the Language (Portuguese) and the Keyboard (Portuguese), the windows installation works OK ... there was no troubles with Users Creation part ... but this doesn't mean that your report is wrong, because maybe another component is causing this error. But you have to understand that I'm able to fix users bugs only if I'm able to reproduce it, so sometimes it takes time to find a solution.

2) If you see in your ISO, two brazilian keyboards (ABNT1 and ABNT2) this is because you are using a Portuguese (Brazilian) Windows 10 version ... and by default you are not allowed to remove the default keyboard(s) and language defined by Microsoft in the Windows 10 ISO edition you are trying to customize ... so just look at the end of the ISO name I used, because it's mentionned "pt-br.iso" which is a brazilian iso. I wasn't able to find an enterprise RS3 iso with a Portuguese (portugal) language, maybe this is not already released.

Windows 10 User wrote:
Is it normal to only have inside sources folder boot.wim, ei.cfg.bk, install.wim, lang.ini and setup.exe and to not have support folder, autorun.inf and setup.exe after using WinReducer?

These files are removed if you checked "Optimizations - ISO - Delete Unneeded Files" (in "FINISH" tab)

So, in a Windows installation, and to be simple,you have different steps :
- Setup : the one at the beginning, when you choose which partition you want to format to use for your installation
- Installation : the one just following the Setup steps, where your system is configured with all components you choose (with a progress bar)
- OOBE (Out Of Box Experience) : the last step, when Windows shows you Cortana, to select your language, keyboard, network, user name and password, all "Express Settings" ... then you should have access to your windows desktop with the taskbar, start menu

So, according to this:

Windows 10 User wrote:
WinReducer's unattend mentions a Skip Cortana Setup option. What is it? I've never seen it

Selecting this option, you will not see (or hear) Cortana in the OOBE part.

Windows 10 User wrote:
WinReducer's unattend mentions ... It also mentions an Express Settings for OOBE. What is that?

Selecting this option, you will not see "Express Settings" page in the end of the OOBE part, this is the one, in which you select some options about your privacy

Windows 10 User wrote:
Should I set it false or leave it blank (talking about that, what's the difference between setting it false or blank in this case and others)?

In WinReducer :
- if you check  a component to "true" : it activates or removes this component
- if you check  a component to "false" : it does not change this component
- if you add a text in a textbox field for a component : it activates this component
- if you leave a text field blank for a component : it disables this component

Windows 10 User wrote:
And it looks like WinReducer's unattend's "WinSXS DISM Cleanup" option makes the install slower by doing things in cmd just like the "WinSXS Folder Compression" option out of WinReducer's unattend's section. What happens if I close the cmd window?

This slow option is not a WinReducer error or trouble because this is an official Microsoft option, which is know to be really really slow on HDD, and even in SSD ... for example, I never use it because it slows down too much the installation procedure. But as it has been requested by users many years ago, I added it Wink

I wish you to have a nice day !

descriptionCan't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account - Page 2 EmptyRe: Can't create local account after accepting EULA and hiding boot image selection, cortana setup and online account

1) But my ISO is Portuguese (Portugal) and not Portuguese (Brazil).

2) No, it's the Portuguese (Portugal) iso. Its name is 16299.15.170928-1534.RS3_RELEASE_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_FRE_PT-PT. And how do you explain the japanese language?

3) That's not true. I unchecked that option and the folders are still missing. Anyway, won't I have any problems with it? How can I run setup.exe to do an upgrade install if it no longer appears?

4) I've never seen Cortana being mentioned in the setup even without not having skip it. Anyway, Cortana isn't even available in my language after all this time!

5) I knew that (regarding the component) but what I wanted to know was what those options would do in that specific cases. What do you mean with adding a text in a textbox field and leaving a text field blank? How can I skip all those steps except the create a local account?

6) Ok.

I have lot's of problems with this site. Every time I delete a letter in this box the page goes a little up, among other problems. I wish you a nice day too!  Very Happy

EDIT: Even after removing languages and keyboards with NTLite they still appear in WinReducer and if I remove them I have the same error. Some times, when WinReducer is creating the ISO, the mouse cursor freezes.

EDIT 2: It's even more serious than I thought. Now I didn't remove a language or keyboard with WinReducer and I have the same problem!

EDIT 3: Now I used first WinReducer and then NTLite and apart from the "an error occurred" notice all's fine, although this was a partial test (I only removed some apps) to not take too much time. What caused this "an error occurred" notice? I don't have it if I only use NTLite.

EDIT 4: Now I don't have the "an error occured" notice but another problem after configuring the Components, Resources and Services sections in NTLite! Hyper-V asks me to press a key and after I do that it restarts and enter an infinite loop!

EDIT 5: Now I don't have the previous problem but I have another one! After I boot up the ISO made by NTLite in Hyper-V an error message says that Windows cannot read the setting from the unattend answer file as soon as I press a key to begin the install. What should I do now since I want to have this file?

EDIT 6: It looks like it was caused by removing the ei.cfg file! This time I kept it and didn't have this problem!

EDIT 7: Now I have the "something went wrong" message during install again!

EDIT 8: It looks like it is one of the disabled services which is causing this.

EDIT 9: It was the Windows Biometric Service so I mustn't disable it. Does that mean that I'm forced to have Biometric which I don't want?
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