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description[EX-100x64][v_1703] Empty[EX-100x64][v_1703]

I made successfully several ISOs with EX_70 but now I have a problem with EX-100. For the beginning I used an unchanged and a slightly changed version of the WREX100_Extreme.wccf Winterstorm published in this forum. The ISO is not booting in VM, it stops with this screen ("Weiter" = "Continue" leads to a reboot with the same screen):

[EX-100x64][v_1703] Proble10

What does that mean? (My second wccf)

description[EX-100x64][v_1703] EmptyRe: [EX-100x64][v_1703]

The Basic_Config_Win10.wccf from KrX works. Is it impossible to install Win10 when Updates are deactivated?

description[EX-100x64][v_1703] EmptyRe: [EX-100x64][v_1703]


if its deactivated but not removed you should be able to install updates when you activate windows updates after installation.

if you want to use windows updates it would be better to switch it to Automatically (Delayed)

description[EX-100x64][v_1703] EmptyRe: [EX-100x64][v_1703]

In Winterstorms Extreme.wccf it's REMOVED. I can't believe that he published it when it's not possible to install ...

description[EX-100x64][v_1703] EmptyRe: [EX-100x64][v_1703]


the extreme wccf file was pubished some time ago and i updated it months ago too. it worked back than with i think RS1, but it seems that with newer windows 10 versions something is broken.

i will updated the preset files soon.

description[EX-100x64][v_1703] EmptyRe: [EX-100x64][v_1703]

Yes, that must be the reason. I modified your Basic_Config_Win10.wccf, removed Windows Update and it's booting.
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