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description[ANSWERED] Your file is not mounted correctly... Hit OK to clean your system Empty[ANSWERED] Your file is not mounted correctly... Hit OK to clean your system

Hello, when I try to mount my Windows10-ISO, I got the failure-message in the title. This happens with different versions of WinReducer (I use now 1.890) and with different Win10-ISO's (original one and creators update). It happen also with both the X65 and X64 version of WinReducer.
Has anybody an idea what lead to that mistake? Thanks in advance, Joerg

description[ANSWERED] Your file is not mounted correctly... Hit OK to clean your system EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Your file is not mounted correctly... Hit OK to clean your system


Please proceed like this :
- start WinReducer
- exit it without doing anything else
- restart your computer
- please let me know the result

Have a nice day !

description[ANSWERED] Your file is not mounted correctly... Hit OK to clean your system EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Your file is not mounted correctly... Hit OK to clean your system

Try create a new folder for Winreducer EX with not files in WORK folder.
See that has enough disk space on system disk.

description[ANSWERED] Your file is not mounted correctly... Hit OK to clean your system EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Your file is not mounted correctly... Hit OK to clean your system

Hi there. I have almost the same problem. Once i edited my windows 10 Pro 64bit ISO i wanted to re-edit it but when i load the same ISO folder the problem comes out... i tried to
- start WinReducer
- exit it without doing anything else
- restart your computer

but nothing changed... so i tried to create a new folder for Winreducer EX with not files in WORK folder but still the same problem... what should i do?
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