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description EX-100 - v1.8.9.0 - No Upgrade of previous Windows possible Empty EX-100 - v1.8.9.0 - No Upgrade of previous Windows possible

When I try to upgrade any previous Windows (7 or 10) with a customized Windows 10 1703 I don't get the usual in place upgrade option.

Instead a setup starts where I must select the destination partition for a install. But when I use this, I get a non-migrated clean install.

I only removed safe Apps, activated some tweaks and removed unneeded editions from the wim.

Why doesn't the upgrade work? Did I miss a special setting?

description EX-100 - v1.8.9.0 - No Upgrade of previous Windows possible EmptyRe: EX-100 - v1.8.9.0 - No Upgrade of previous Windows possible

Fixed it for me with a workaround: I replaced all other files and folders with the original version from the dvd.
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