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description[ANSWERED] Make Winreducer portable Empty[ANSWERED] Make Winreducer portable

I don't know if it's even possible but .NET is like a plague to me and i have no use for it other than reducer.
Also what's .net native code, maybe some .net linker, looking for all possible solutions, even Turbo Studio.

description[ANSWERED] Make Winreducer portable EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Make Winreducer portable


im not really sure if thats possible. i searched a bit but couldnt find anything to make .Net Framework portable.

as i can remember there were years ago lite versions of net Framework, but im not sure if Ms does still provide them.

description[ANSWERED] Make Winreducer portable EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Make Winreducer portable


There is an option in WinReducer EX-100 and EX-81 to slim down the size of the Net Framework, by keeping only selected files used by WinReducer Software to ensure compatibility ... in "FINISH --> Optimizations --> Net Framework" tab, then activate "Net Framework Complete Cleanup" and finally activate "WinReducer Software Compatibility" (you may also read the help tips provided in the bottom of the window).

This option will reduce your installation from 500 Mb to around 100Mb ... maybe it will be useful to be able to use this option in a Live Mode ?

Have a nice day !
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