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description[ANSWERED] Virus found Empty[ANSWERED] Virus found

I tried to download EX-100, but my MSE refused: Virus found. What does that mean?

description[ANSWERED] Virus found EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Virus found


im not really sure what MSE is but jpm got this alert with defender and solved it like this:

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its a false alert

description[ANSWERED] Virus found EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Virus found

MSE = Microsoft Security Essentials
The message occures with the newest update:

[ANSWERED] Virus found Mse10

description[ANSWERED] Virus found EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Virus found

I downloaded EX-100 with deactivated virusscanner but after activating it again MSE deletet WinReducerEX100.exe. So, I have to decide to use Winreducer or MSE  :-(

description[ANSWERED] Virus found EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Virus found

I get the same which disaêar after downloading new virus signature ...
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