Hello. I have one minor problem here with my Windows installation. When the Installer reaches the final stages of setup which brings up the Out of Box Experience I see no text giving me options to choose how to finalize the setup of Windows 10. I see options for Try Again and Skip. I can also see the Blue Screen and background with the little keyboard, volume, Cortana symbol but I can't do anything with those things when I click on them with the mouse.
I am certain this time that the only thing I am doing wrong is removing dependent parts of the OOBE stage of Windows 10 installation. I suspect that I should leave Cortana alone until Post Setup. I have third party tools to rid Cortana for good. Anyways, feel free to test my Windows 10 WCCF present down below:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Here is also some useful information. The XML file and log generated by WinReducer on my flash drive that I copied here at these links:
Windows 10 XML File:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Windows 10 Log File:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
I am certain this time that the only thing I am doing wrong is removing dependent parts of the OOBE stage of Windows 10 installation. I suspect that I should leave Cortana alone until Post Setup. I have third party tools to rid Cortana for good. Anyways, feel free to test my Windows 10 WCCF present down below:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Here is also some useful information. The XML file and log generated by WinReducer on my flash drive that I copied here at these links:
Windows 10 XML File:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Windows 10 Log File:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]