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descriptionReg and Bat Tweaks for Integration EmptyReg and Bat Tweaks for Integration

I have more than 400 registry settings.
Every single setting is properly categorized and explained with comments in one file.
Some of them require special permissions so I wrote a bat file to run it.
Bat file needs SetACL.exe to operate.

You can download all of them in here (fix the blank characters before dot)
www .mediafire. com/?n9se7v62t5cx7y6

I tried to write all codes in here to give you a preview but forum gave me "Too long message" error.

descriptionReg and Bat Tweaks for Integration EmptyRe: Reg and Bat Tweaks for Integration

Well, I am a little bit sorry for disinformation, it is not 400 different options but 400 different total registry variables and keys.
The new version is out with more than 500 different registry keys and variables. (Remove Spaces)

You have to apply "Profile - Registry.cmd" file and before to do that, you have to disable Anvirus programs because it changes so many settings at once by batch and regedit files so Heuristic algorithms may give false alerts. Anyway you can examine all script codes of them.

There are a few changes that you might suprise so I want to mention about them a little bit.
It takes the taskbar to the left side because most monitors are 16:9 aspect ratio and bottom Taskbar makes working height of area even smaller.
It forces logon screen to ask user name as well as password to increase the security.
If you get a bluescreen about memory locations after applying it, make "MoveImages"=dword:00000000 to "MoveImages"=dword:ffffffff
If there is anything you wanna ask, I will be around here in next a few weeks.

There is also a file named "DotNET Native Image Generator.cmd" which generated native images for all different versions of .NET programs so you can disable Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN services and run the file manually and even more than that, it forces to compile all possible libraries which NGEN service may refuse to do so it can improve opening performance of them and maybe runtime performance very little bit.

One more file named "Message Signaled-Based Interrupts.exe" which I found in this website. (Remove Spaces)
forums .guru3d. com/showthread.php?t=378044
It changes the low-level interrupt handling for input-output events which may reduce stuttering problems.
I recommend to enable these MSI signals one by one and restart computer to see if there is a bluescreen and if you get it just go to the Safe-Mode page and select "Last Known Good Configuration" to revert latest registry changes then skip that device and go for next device in that software. However Windows 8 and upper OS disables LKGC by default so I enabled it in the reg file. You can also do that even before touching anything.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Configuration Manager]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Configuration Manager\LastKnownGood]

descriptionReg and Bat Tweaks for Integration EmptyRe: Reg and Bat Tweaks for Integration

New version is out with minor fixes and a few new additions.

descriptionReg and Bat Tweaks for Integration EmptyRe: Reg and Bat Tweaks for Integration


first thanks for that nice collection. is the newest version in the first post or in the second post?

descriptionReg and Bat Tweaks for Integration EmptyRe: Reg and Bat Tweaks for Integration

KrX wrote:

first thanks for that nice collection. is the newest version in the first post or in the second post?

the correct link is in the first post so removed the link of the second post, sorry about that.
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