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description[ANSWERED] [Error] DISM is not recognized Empty[ANSWERED] [Error] DISM is not recognized

***** 11/04/2017 23:53:13 - SESSION OPENED *****
INFO : WinReducer ---> EX-100 [v1.8.0.0 (x64)]
ERROR : "Dism.exe" file doesn't exist ==> Check your "Options - Configuration" page
CRITICAL : Check your WinReducer Configuration ! == > "Options" page will be opened to help you solved this
WARNING : A problem with your Theme file has been detected

[ANSWERED] [Error] DISM is not recognized DZX8kXH


[ANSWERED] [Error] DISM is not recognized M5yVbIa

As always the download servers are offline for every file.

description[ANSWERED] [Error] DISM is not recognized EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [Error] DISM is not recognized


It seems that something in your computer is locking the download from Microsoft servers, maybe your antivirus or your firewall, because it works in mine.

description[ANSWERED] [Error] DISM is not recognized EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [Error] DISM is not recognized

i do not have any firewall or antivirus and my host is not edited so...
for this reason i want to use this tool xDD i need a new OS quickly as posible

description[ANSWERED] [Error] DISM is not recognized EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [Error] DISM is not recognized


I included in the v1.8.1.0, a detection in this specific case in order to, and even if something goes wrong with the normal third-party software download, it will use an alternate download source (the server) to get all third-party software.

This should solve this trouble for all users.
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