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descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

- Windows 8 (x32 or x64) or Server 2012 (x32 or x64)
- All languages supported
- A genuine Windows 8 (x32 or x64)  or Server 2012 (x32 or x64) ISO
- Works with Windows 8, Windows 8 Professional and Windows 8 Enterprise
- Works with Windows Server 2012 Standard (should work with Server 2012 Data Center)
- No external software are provided in the zip package, you need to download them but feel free to have a look on the "Read Me.pdf"

- Not working with Windows 7 or any previous version like Windows XP
- Not working if you're using spaces in the path folder
- Follow instructions on screen : Button "Open", Button "Mount", wait, choose components, button "Apply", wait, then Button "Save" in Wim or in an ISO
- More important instructions are in the "Read Me.pdf" file provided in the zip package



- Improve "Theme Packs" support (Animated cursors for all cursors)
- ISO tab “WIM Creation” (Add wim splitting)

- “Control Panel - System - Remove Activation Link”

- “Themes - Lockscreen – Pictures” (Improve cleaning)

- “WinReducer Theme Packs” (Text cursor didn’t apply correctly)
- “Presets – WCCF Restore” (Unattended Autologon didn’t work correctly)
- “Appearance – Lockscreen” (Lockscreen didn’t apply correctly)
- User Account Control “UAC” link, in “User Account Control Panel”, didn’t work correctly
- “Unattended – User or Administrator Password” (Didn’t work correctly)


descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

waiting for download link to get active Smile

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

u didnot add to my suggestion in .50 

1, bootable usb support.
2, one click process after choose option

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

No, I do not forget this, but I'm currently trying to remove some bugs I discovered after windows installation, so it takes me some time ... I will add your request except I don't know when my friend ...

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

v0.52 (alpha) will be available in a couple of hours ...

EDIT : Changelog updated

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

WinReducer v0.52 (alpha) has been released !

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

Hello Winter

Do support for Windows 8.1 Preview.

regulator to operate

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

For the moment no, because ISO has not been released by Microsoft, but as soon as they will be available, I will create a new build to support them !

Very Happy

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

I sent you the PM

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

Thanks you, but there have a little bug when you want load a theme pack.

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26


Could you please tell me what is the bug ?

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 Emptya question

Hi all! i have a question: in the services tab, checking windows defender, removes only the service or removes completely windows defender?


descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

Hi bay12,

It removes completely defender ... Wink But you could disable the service without removing it completely if you want by using "Customization - Services" tab !

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 Emptyquestion

Hi guys, i have a question: it's safe to remove windows store in services section? does it break something? what is windows store? 


descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

bay12 wrote:
Hi guys, i have a question: it's safe to remove windows store in services section? does it break something? what is windows store? 


 That's the Windows app market. You can safely remove it if you're not interested in the idea.

descriptionWinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26 EmptyRe: WinReducer 8 - v0.52 (alpha) - 2013.06.26

billybully wrote:
bay12 wrote:
Hi guys, i have a question: it's safe to remove windows store in services section? does it break something? what is windows store? 


 That's the Windows app market. You can safely remove it if you're not interested in the idea.

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