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description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD Empty[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

Hi Winreducer Team,

I'm trying to get my reduced OS in wim format to load on VHD with imageX. after imagex wrote the wim file onto vhd is completed but However, it won't pass the window logo when i select the vhd from boot screen.

Any suggestion would help. I have selected keep sysprep but no help. 


description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

What i use:
wimlib-imagex.exe apply C:\Windows_10.wim 1 E:\ --compact=lzx (where E: is the mounted VHD)
BCDBOOT C:\Windows /s E: /f BIOS

Goto E:\Boot folder
drag BCD file on to Enum.cmd


@echo off

::Set path to bcdedit.exe (e.g. C:\Windows\System32\bcdedit.exe)
Set BCDEDIT=%Windir%\System32\bcdedit.exe

::Set path to BCD Store (e.g. C:\boot\BCD)
Set STORE=%1

%BCDEDIT% /store %STORE% /enum {default} /v


then drag it again on to Win64.cmd if needed


@echo off

::Set path to bcdedit.exe (e.g. C:\Windows\System32\bcdedit.exe)
Set BCDEDIT=%Windir%\System32\bcdedit.exe

::Set path to BCD Store (e.g. C:\boot\BCD)
Set STORE=%1

%BCDEDIT% /store %STORE% /set {default} device boot
%BCDEDIT% /store %STORE% /set {default} osdevice boot
%BCDEDIT% /store %STORE% /set {default} path \Windows\system32\winload.exe
%BCDEDIT% /store %STORE% /set {default} systemroot \Windows
%BCDEDIT% /store %STORE% /set {default} detecthal yes
%BCDEDIT% /store %STORE% /set {default} TESTSIGNING ON
%BCDEDIT% /store %STORE% /deletevalue {default} winpe
%BCDEDIT% /store %STORE% /deletevalue {default} ems



I use BootIce to set the VHD in to the boot menu 
and its good to go.

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

Thank you . I'll give it a try.
How to set the vhd to boot using bootice? Never try this tools but look promising.

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

Hi Dim,

I did try your method with imagex not the wimlib version and of course without the compact flat

But it still the same won't go through the little window icon on post.

Does the wimlib-imagex make a different?

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

Also i forgot to mention, when i do "BCDBOOT C:\Windows /s E: /f BIOS " on command. enum.cmd and win64.cmd doesn't get created.

I copied both file from friend of mine. I'm not sure if this have anything to do with it.

If so, how to create both of the files from within mounted VHD


description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

Windows edition should be enterprise or ultimate and make sure you didn't remove any Hyper-V drivers 
or disable the Hyper-V service. 
wimlib wont make any difference, image-x is fine by itself, compression is optional obviously
enum and win64 cmd do not exist, you need to create them, just copy paste each code in to notepad and save the files accordingly. They are absolutely necessary, without dragging the bcd on them it wont boot, 
you can delete them afterwards, but if you copied the files from elsewhere is the same thing i guess.

BootIce > Bcd Edit > Other BDC file 
(depends if you wana mess with your system's boot or just create a boot usb stick and edit that BCD )
browse for a BCD > select it > Easy mode > Add > New VHD boot entry > 
Disk: BOOOT(WIM/LOCATE(VHD)) > File: \my.vhd

check "test mode" and no "integrity checks" if you like also
save current system > reboot from your USB stick if you made one or just reboot if you edited your system's BCD
it should boot fine.

Alternatively you can use the hassle free WinNTSetup that does all the above for you.

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

My reduced image, i have took out the Hyper-V. is that why it doesn't boot? i will have to create a new image that include the hyper-V is that correct?

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

Indeed, without Hyper-V windows can't boot vhd.

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

When I try to drop the bcd file to enumerate.cmd or win64.cmd it come up error like "bcdedit type incorrect or something similar ". Where can I find or how do I create a bcd file that work with my own vhd.

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

In fact, and if you are loading the vhd from an external BCD you don't have to enumerate it.
That is, suppose you add a VHD entry to your current system's BCD in C:\Boot, you don't have to "BCDBOOT C:\Windows /s E:" at all, forget it, and thereby you don't have to drag the BCD to anywhere.
The C:\Boot\BCD will load windows from your vhd just fine.
If it doesn't, the problem is elsewhere.
What error you getting trying to load windows from the vhd ?
Are your windows Enterprise or Ultimate ? else they wont load from a vhd.

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

I finally got it to load on vhd. I'm now trying to use grub4dos and boot it from ram.

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

Using grub4dos to load it in to ram will definitely need it's very own /boot/bcd
in order to boot it,
This is where the /bcdboot /s "drive": comes in to play, and enumeration is needed.
Also you will now need wimlib-imagex to compress it. Win 10 support Lzx compression on the fly, you can achieve very small vhds and save loading times.
I personally managed as small as 1.2G win 10 vhds (without net.framework tho)

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

Would you mine walk me through it with the process.
Currently I got it to be 1.92GB in wim file on vhd.

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

in wim on vhd ? i'm not sure i get that but anyhow what i do is:
WinReducer to remove stuff, end up with a wim
WinNTSetup that wim to a vhd
Boot that vhd to let windows sysprep and finish installing
Configure windows, add any missing drivers, don't forget firadisk or else the vhd wont boot from ram.
Reboot to any other windows installation
Mount that ready vhd to lets say drive E:


wimcapture.cmd E:\ C:\Win10.wim --compress=none

Detach E:
Create new vhd (size varies depending the installation, fixed is best for now)
Attach the new vhd as E:


wimlib-imagex.exe apply C:\Win10.wim 1 E:\ --compact=lzx


BCDBOOT C:\Windows /s E: /f BIOS (grub4dos doesn't support EFI Boot)

Copy Enum.cmd and Win64.cmd inside E:\Boot
open elevated command prompt, switch to E:\Boot


Enum.cmd BCD



Win64.cmd BCD

Optional: wipe free space on E: and defrag it
Detach E:
Place the vhd to the root of any hard disk, not inside any folder.
Add an entry to your grub4dos menu.lst 


color light-gray/black white/black light-gray/black light-gray/black
timeout 3
default 1

title BOOTMGR (hd0,0)
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /bootmgr

title Windows 10 Boot From Ram
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /Win10.vhd
map --mem /Win10.vhd (hd0)
map --hook
root (hd0,0)
chainloader /bootmgr


description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

Thanks, I finally got it to run.
Does firadisk afterward should I include it in wim?

description[ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Reduced wim won't post with VHD

Firadisk must somehow has to be installed in the windows that is to run from a vhd that boots from ram.
They way you do it is up to you.
I do it while configuring windows.
You can let WinReducer install it through driver add option.
You can install it through dism afterwards.
You can boot the final vhd from hard disk and install it normally, like you would whenever want to make any changes to your installation.
No matter what, is got to be there or the vhd wont boot at all from ram.
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