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description[ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix Empty[ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix

hi folks WinReducer works just fine, thank you for your great work.
I have successfully fixed my first Bootstick with this tool.
There is one problem, I did not find out, how to remove Twitter, Facebook, Netflix
Have a nice day Andreas

description[ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix

hello, are you maybe using one of those "inoffical" RS2 builds of windows 10?

if yes, winreducer doesnt "support" RS2 at the moment and was not updated. Also those components you mentioned arent implmented yet.

description[ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix

hallo I`m using 1607.German x64.iso loaded on Microsoft Download Center

description[ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix


I assume you are referring to these Modern UI Apps whcih are suggested by Microsoft in the Start Menu.

You are able to hide or remove them using 2 different ways :
- Hide : check "Tweaks - Start Menu - Disable Recommended Modern UI Apps Suggestion"
- Remove : check "Modern UI Apps - Content Delivery Manager"

I wish you to have a nice day !

description[ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix

hello winterstorm
Removing the Content Delivery Manager means all UI Apps are not installed
Is this correct?

Thank you Andreas

description[ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix


Not exactly, because it will only remove all start menu shortcuts for Microsoft suggested UI Apps (not already installed, this is some kind of UI apps publicity), but not the default installed UI Apps (like Edge, ...).

description[ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] How to remove Twitter, Facebook and Netflix

okay, I understand
thank you for helping
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