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description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ Empty[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

Hi again everybody,

I'm trying to integrate software using $OEM$ method in order to pre-install some applications before the Windows 1st login.

But so far I'm just begining to be mad    affraid   confused   bounce

Please, someone could explain me how $OEM$ method works?

My last try: in $OEM$ folder, I add:

     - .\cmdlines.text  with:



     - .\$1\batch.cmd with all kind of scipt; example:


START /WAIT "C:\INSTALL\AcrobateReader.exe" /sPB /rps


start /wait "C:\INSTALL\Firefox.exe" -ms

START "" /WAIT "$1\INSTALL\LibreOffice.msi" /passive /norestart


     - .\$1\INSTALL (folder with my sofwares)

I looked for some tutos on internet, but nothing truely helpful... Neutral

If someone could educate me or give me some useful link, I will be very gratefull!


Kind regards,


description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

All that is in the $ 1, will be copied to the root directory of the drive on which the system (for example, C: \) will be installed. Consider a simple example of how this works:

Advance preparation of the distribution:

C: \ XPCD \ $ OEM $ \ $ 1 \ Install \

After the distribution is recorded on the CD (CD-ROM is denoted by the letter X: \)

X: \ $ OEM $ \ $ 1 \ Install \

When the $ OEM $ directory are copied to the system partition during installation

C: \ Install

So if you happen to make a command to install the application, copied in this way on the system partition, it will look something like this:

start / wait% systemdrive% \ install \ MSN \ msnmsgs.msi / qb

Those. application lay in the $ 1 \ Install directory copied to the C: \ the Install assuming that C: \ drive our system.

For the "silent" installation of applications during the OS installation, use the appropriate keys: / s, / silent or / r to the setup.iss file for the InstallShield installation, / qn for MSI-packages, / verysilent / SP - for InnoSetup, / s for Wiseinstaller etc.

Batch.cmd starts automatically at the end of the OS installation. Windows Setup searches for a file named Batch.cmd in the directory "% WINDIR% \ Setup \ Scripts", so you should copy this file into the directory "$OEM$ Folders\(CustomFolder)$OEM$$$\Setup\Scripts" in the working directory.

$ OEM $ Folders \ (CustomFolder) $ OEM $$$ . Here are stored more files, applications, registry files, and configuration scripts. automatically copied to the folder% WINDIR%, so it can be used on any Windows installation phase.

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ Ieaezz12

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

Hi nekro666,

and thanks you very much for your reply Smile

I already knew about $OEM$\$1-->C:    $OEM$\$$-->C:\Windows    and about silent install Keys.

You think that if my OEM integration doesn't work it's only cause I put my "batch.cmd" into folder $OEM$\$1  instead of folder $OEM$\$$\setup\scripts ?

I will give it a try:

In my batch.cmd I will also replace "C:\" by "%systemdrive%" according to your advice like:


START /WAIT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\INSTALL\AcrobateReader.exe /sPB /rps

And "cmdlines.txt": what's it purpose?
Do i have to write inside it:



It seems write to you?
I'll make a test this afternoon.

Thanks again for your help Smile

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

Man, pls, watch structures folder. For u, im upload file

In to $OEM$\$1\Install watch all msg.vbs file. in to file description at russian- im from russia
And watch $OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

Thanks a lot nekro666!

But, I have no idea of what are the .vbs files in $OEM$\$1\Install folder O_o

I just made a other test correcting my "batch.cmd",and all my path folder, but nothing!

I thought it will be easer to pre-install application using $OEM$ method! Sad

Anyway: ninite or OOBE post installation aren't so bad...

I have this bad feeling that I'm just loosing my time  pale

Whatever, thanks to you!

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

In msg.vbs a description that such a program is installed it. You need to replace the name of the programs out there on their own and their description. Opens through the notepad ++
And in the bat files, replacing their names on and adds a line similar those that have already been.

Well, the rest is business logic, I threw you a working version. You just need to add your own review to VBS files and add themselves more than with EBE ext. numbering, if the programs more and see bat file, and if you want to edit for yourself.

$ OEM $ folder must be located in the \ sources

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

Just my suggestion ... forget OEM folders and batch files, try to create scripts with AutoIt (it's not as difficult as you might think) and make them run at the first startup (RunOnce).
Alternatively, use portable programs (now they are almost all) and then use reg files to create file associations.

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

Hello Mvp77, You can make an example, please!  Embarassed

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

Hi all,
Using an other method, it works: my programms are installed before windows first login Smile
Anyway, thanks a lot for your kind help Smile

Thanks for your reply Smile
I didn't have any problems with post installation of software; just some issues with pre-installations, but it solved now Very Happy
But thanks for your sugestion!

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

ruby2hora wrote:
Hello Mvp77, You can make an example, please!  Embarassed

Example - AutoIt Installation

I made this script to install VLC:
Run ("vlc-2.2.4-win64.exe")
WinWait("Installer Language")
WinWait("VLC media player Setup")
ControlCommand("", "", "[CLASS:ComboBox; INSTANCE:1]","SelectString","Minimum")
As you can see it's very simple.
I saw some people making scripts that could send you to the moon and back only to install a stupid app... ridiculous!
Consider also that VLC is quite tricky (there's the ComboBox... Smile)

You can run the au3 script with RunOnce (
and the game is done.
Naturally you can install how many apps you want...
and you have a complete control on setup (I don't think you can make the same things with Silent Switch Installer).

But if you consider that almost every app is now portable, you can simply mount your image, copy your Portapps folder in Windir
and save the image with all your programs already integrated.
The only downside is that sometimes you have to set files association through the registry (but this is not a big task Smile).

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

I understand thank you! but the simplest way, and efficient is ...  Smile

”But if you consider that almost every app is now portable, you can simply mount your image, copy your Portapps folder in Windir
and save the image with all your programs already integrated.”

description[ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$ EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-70 - v1.6.1.0 (x64)] [6.1.7601.17514] Integration using $OEM$

Peopls use audit mode and no problems)) no sens used post-istall. upd wim file in audit mode and by happy Smile
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