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description[ANSWERED] user password expire Empty[ANSWERED] user password expire

please fix the "User password never expire" option. user have administrator privilege.
taskbar setting option also never work.

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire


Could you please describe more precisely your trouble, thank you very much for your understanding Smile

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

[ANSWERED] user password expire 113
[ANSWERED] user password expire 213
Both pictures I uploaded. these option not working in win7,8,8.1 and win10 Professional

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

winterstorm2050 wrote:

Could you please describe more precisely your trouble, thank you very much for your understanding Smile

is there any solution of my trouble?

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

any body here?

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire


could you start the comandline tool with admin rights and enter this:

NET ACCOUNTS /maxpwage:unlimited

do you get an error or does it look good? thats what winreducer does and it should normally work

normally it should look like this:

[ANSWERED] user password expire Password-never-expiration-in-windows-7-home-premium

but at win7 i also dont get this "the command completed successfully" message.

i will do soon some tests to find that bug.

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

hi i ched it again and the comand is working like it should.

do you maybe mean this:

[ANSWERED] user password expire Aobt4dds

winreducer uses the command "net accounts /maxpwange:unlimited", this command sets (i think) the password to not expire for everyone. you can check if it is set correctly if you start the comandline tool and enter "net accounts"

you will see at "max password age" unlimited

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

I know these commands, but I want's to set it by winreducer or in autounattand.xml file. I didn't want's to use it manual.

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

hi, the command i mentioned above is put into the unattanded.xml by winreducer if you switch "Turn Off Password Expiration" to ON at the unattanded tab

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

KrX wrote:
hi, the command i mentioned above is put into the unattanded.xml by winreducer if you switch "Turn Off Password Expiration" to ON at the unattanded tab

where in unattande.xml I place the command? and which command?

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

if you switch that to ON:

[ANSWERED] user password expire E5l85dlh
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winreducer creates an AutoUnattend.xml file in the root directory at your iso. that file got the comand:


   <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
          <Path>CMD /C NET ACCOUNTS /maxpwage:unlimited</Path>

EDIT: it seems that the pictures i posted here arent shown, since the forum was updated? i will message winter

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

which user it turn off password expir? all users?

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

yes it seems that this is set for all users

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

[ANSWERED] user password expire Image110
how can i set "password never expire" to enable in autounattande.xml

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

answer me plz

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

to eneable it in unattaned.xml to look like this,:


<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
          <Path>CMD /C NET ACCOUNTS /maxpwage:unlimited</Path>

just select "Turn off password expiration" to ON at the unattanded tab in winreducer.

this will make the expiration unlimited for ALL users (but it does not trigger the checkbox for each user to turn off pasword expiration)

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

I select "Turn off password expiration" to ON at the unattanded tab in winreducer but user password expire after 30 days.

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire


Check it using a cmd prompt with this command line :


net accounts

==> Do you see a "never", or "no limit", value passed to "max password age"

But if you really want to check the "Password never expires" checkbox in your username properties ... just use this command in an elevated command prompt :


wmic path Win32_UserAccount set PasswordExpires=False

==> It will work for all valid accounts in your computer


wmic UserAccount where Name='username' set PasswordExpires=False

==> It will work only for the specified account in your computer by just replacing "username" text by your own username ... you also need to keep the single quote in your command line !

Hope this help Smile

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

where i put this command in autounattand.xml

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

Mohsan123 wrote:
where i put this command in autounattand.xml

just post t at the end of your unattanded.xml


<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
          <Path>CMD /C wmic path Win32_UserAccount set PasswordExpires=False</Path>


the last 3 lines should already exist at your file.
if you already got some command at your file be carefull of the <Order>1</Order> just count it up to the next number, and just add the blue lines.

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

after to much searching i found a script for turn on check box "user password never expire" in windows.
now problem is to add in runonce.
i add script in oem folder and now how to run it in runonce.
if i add this file in OOBE, windows installation source must have to  b connected with system till complete installation and desktop appear.
if i remove the installation source (DVD disk/USB flash drive) after first/second reboot during instalation, the batch file in oobe do not run.
please guide me how to run a batch file in runonce.
 which line i add in unattand.xml

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire

anybody there?

description[ANSWERED] user password expire EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] user password expire


i kinda forgot to answer you. you can add your file in winreducer, so it will be installed during installaion. you can add it like your already did. but if you dont want to store the file directly on your i.e. USB/cd you could add it into your install.wim file.
so Mount your iso with winreducer and goto the winreducer foler -> work and Mount. put it into this Folder, that way it will be extracted during Installation to C:\

all you Need to do is Change your oobe script so that it will start his file from C:\
and if you want to delete the file after execution, you can also do that via the oobe script
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