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description[ANSWERED] taskbar problem Empty[ANSWERED] taskbar problem

Hello. when i install the reduced iso start menu and the icons in the taskbar (volume icon,network icon etc) are broken.
i left click on them and nothing happens. right click works. are there any required features,services etc. that i should keep for them to work;

description[ANSWERED] taskbar problem EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] taskbar problem



Could you please respect these instructions to correctly name your topic report :
- [your software name - your software version] : available in "Options - Info"
- [your Windows ISO build to customize] : available in "OPEN" window
- Short description of your report

Example = [EX-100 - v0.9.5.0] [RS1 Build 14393.51] Search not working

Thank you very much for your understanding.


1. do you use the newest version of winreducer?

2. please post your wccf file. you can upload it like this: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

3. which version of windows 10 do you use? home, pro, etc. x86/x64 and build number

bevor the taskbar was broken from i.e. Firewall when disabling or removing it. but that was fixed in the last versions (at least for me)

description[ANSWERED] taskbar problem EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] taskbar problem

sorry. Next time i will use the correct format to post something.

To answer your questions:

1. i use the newest version( wccf is: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
but this also happens to variations of the above wccf.

3. i have windows 10 pro 14393.447 updated iso from team-os

thank you

description[ANSWERED] taskbar problem EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] taskbar problem

After at least 15 trials with variations of the wccf i discovered that the thing that brakes start menu and left-click on notifications icons is remover->network->smart screen. In the final try i removed only that and i confirmed the problem.

description[ANSWERED] taskbar problem EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] taskbar problem


I tried by just removing "Network - Smart Screen" (in Remover" tab), and it worked correctly on :
- a virtual machine
- a laptop with a H77 chipset and intel celeron 1000m

As it seems that you downloaded an updated ISO, could you please try this procedure to create it by yourself :
- download the latest cumulative update with WinReducer (HOME -> TOOLS -> "Updates Catalog")
- integrate it with WinReducer in an ISO downloaded from here using the first link in the list : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
- and install this updated iso in a computer or a virtual machine

This procedure follows the recommended way to create your own updated iso.

description[ANSWERED] taskbar problem EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] taskbar problem

ok sir. I will try this. Thank you very much

description[ANSWERED] taskbar problem EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] taskbar problem

Winterstorm you were right. It was the iso. if i update the iso via winreducer there is no problem.
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