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description[ANSWERED] Some icons in control panel ? Empty[ANSWERED] Some icons in control panel ?

Hi, its just there is some icon left ( and i used properly the preset ) in control panel know how to remove it thanks in advance ( because i cant find it control panel icons part in winreducer ), the icon or prop called ECS want to remove it of course :

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description[ANSWERED] Some icons in control panel ? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Some icons in control panel ?

do you need to remove just icons ?
if you need to delete Control Panel Items like Backup and Restore etc.

Just Go to Features -> Control Panel -> Remove whatever you need to.

description[ANSWERED] Some icons in control panel ? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Some icons in control panel ?

I wanted to remove them from Registry ( because its Unattended ) so there must some registry key that contain information about it because that how winreducer work by removing keys from registry but what is weird is after applying the according preset (automatic removing process i think thats how it called ) it always there two in fact : 


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and thanks in advance guys for your help.
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