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description[ANSWERED] No Modern UI are Removed Empty[ANSWERED] No Modern UI are Removed


I recently downloaded fresh Windows from Media Creation and was trying to remove all Modern UI like Cortana and Bing store etc

So I tried like i usual did in my previous success Images. But when I installed it there were Cortana,edge and all other UI apps present.

Here is my wccf. 

Thanks. Also is there any quick way to try out optimized windows without installing on PC.

description[ANSWERED] No Modern UI are Removed EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] No Modern UI are Removed


1) Modern UI Apps : are you sure to correctly customize the same Windows 10 edition you are installing ... in other words, if you choose "Windows 10 core" edition to customize in EX-100, and you install the "Windows 10 Professional" edition in your computer, your changes will not be available. You will find the customized windows 10 edition name in the LOG file.

You may activate this component "Optimizations - ISO - Windows - Delete Unneeded Editions" to delete all Windows 10 editions you are not customizing ... like this it will always install the correct Windows 10 edition in your computer.

2) Yes, you could test your ISO without installing it directly in your computer ... and I encourage you to do like this Smile
You have to install and use a software like VMware Player (free) or VirtualBox (free) or use HyperV (free). you will be able to launch your ISO directly and it will be install in a virtual machine without modifying your computer Wink

description[ANSWERED] No Modern UI are Removed EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] No Modern UI are Removed

Ok Thanks 
will check again...

1. Any option to remove Install Agent which tries to re-download Cortana or Edge.
2. Any solution with External Hard drive which show as Raw instead of NTFS/Fat32

description[ANSWERED] No Modern UI are Removed EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] No Modern UI are Removed


1) I will see about that
2) MS informed few days ago, that a fix will be available, but without released delay. Sorry, the best choice is to wait or try some possible solution found on google ... this is at your own risks.
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