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descriptionWin7 updates.....a MUST read! EmptyWin7 updates.....a MUST read!

I would highly suggest you all check into this and implement these methods.......its has saved me much stress, time and eliminates most all telemetry.

Read the whole article ......... Very Happy

descriptionWin7 updates.....a MUST read! EmptyRe: Win7 updates.....a MUST read!

May I so kindly suggest that you take some time to read what is already on this website before you go telling us what we need to read?  I would highly suggest you get a good basic understanding of how WinReducer works and especially with regards to the integration of drivers, updates, and software. 

Here is a must read

I would also like to welcome you to this project and since it's new to you regardless of all the experience you may have and eventually it can be useful to the rest of us.  I too came into this project with a lot of prior knowledge and experience in many areas, however, it took me a very long time to get up to speed on all the in's and out's of the WinReducer project.  I would also suspect that you are not getting the answers you want from all the experienced people here because of the way you came into the web site without taking the time to get to know the people here and what we have been doing as a collective group. 

The people here are very experienced and very knowledgable and more than willing to help you once you take the time to ease into this and learn what is already here on the website.  I for one can assure you, I appreciate whatever your background and knowledge and it's quite apparent that like the rest of us you do have a vast amount of expereince. 

Thanks for your time here already and I hope you can become an integral part of a really awesome team that WinterStorm has spent so much time building. 

The Geekster

descriptionWin7 updates.....a MUST read! EmptyRe: Win7 updates.....a MUST read!

Geekster wrote:
May I so kindly suggest that you take some time to read what is already on this website before you go telling us what we need to read?   I would also suspect that you are not getting the answers you want from all the experienced people here because of the way you came into the web site without taking the time to get to know the people here and what we have been doing as a collective group. 

The Geekster

Hello Mr Geekster.........I will ask you to read more and know that I have gotten to know a few of the people here and even have done some teamviewer/speak with KRX .  So that comment is invalid and inaccurate.

I will also say that my post you commented on,  was ONLY to help others, and ONLY a suggested read. Sometimes posts and emails come across wrong and I am sorry if you took it wrong?  I am by far an expert in any of this. I am a newbe but have a lot of general hardware and software experience being 48 year s old. I will also say that I have read about 80% of everything on this site at least once.....maybe twice ?

What I am a little frustrated  about is the lot of the tutorials and info on how to use the product is outdated and not accurate and the software is not perfected yet, but i knew this going into it.   Now, I am not complaining and understand that  this is not Winterstorms only job and he has graciously set this project up voluntarily. If he spent time updating and correcting outdated info, he would not have time to do what he does best......SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT.

Unfortunately, as we all know, there is NOT many programs that are out there, that will do what this software will do. Therefore I personally think Winterstorm needs some help ( if he chooses) , and maybe give up some control of the site so others can help him BUT only after he reviews this info. That is totally up to him,  and again.....I will offer as much help as i can. Let me explain.......I was a financial advisor for over 20 years, I did assessments of the business and then studied the market and the business. I would then come back to the business owner and show him how to improve on his business. I would only be paid a small upfront retainer ( in my early years) Smile Then the business owner would pay me on the percentage of increased revenue that I helped to generate by restructuring the company / business and how the product was marketed . developed and implemented / sold. 

At first, as we all owners tend to be very reluctant to change, new ways or giving up any control of their company.  But in my contract with them, they must follow the program for six months.. if after 6 months they did not see a change for the better, that their sales were not increasing , then I would give back any upfront costs (the retainer) that I charged.  I will just say this, I am 48 and am voluntarily retired ( I got too burnt out on 13 hour days and not spending enough time with my family and friends) and not ONCE , after that six month period did any business owner get back or asked for their money back.  Enough said?..........  I will even offer my experience / and services to Winterstrom at NO cost, but only if he asks or wants my help.

For example, there are many outdated tutorials and info that confuses and frustrates the newcomer. BUT there is a solution. As i said, I will offer my time to help, because now I feel I have, too much free time on my hands. I am building a few high end computers now.....but that is more of a hobby .  See below

I think you / we / Winterstorm have a groundbreaking piece of software here that could help MILLIONS of people if marketed and implemented correctly.  Now I say that, not knowing what Wintersotrms goals are or what he sees as the future of Project. So I will let him comment on this and respect and only follow his lead....... Exclamation

I am not 100% sure what your reply to my post is really about or what its true intention is, but again, I am / was only trying to help. Nothing more .....nothing less.

Be safe my friend and I wish you well....

AKA- Takitez-sdc

Win7 updates.....a MUST read! Greenp10
Win7 updates.....a MUST read! Redput10
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