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description[ANSWERED] buyers question Empty[ANSWERED] buyers question

Ok so I was about to buy this software, but have a question.....if i buy a lifetime $20 membership or even just a 6 month for $5 , does that include the ESD convert to WIM program? I thought it was all included in the main software? so How much would it be to buy a lifetime Ex100 and the esd to wim software?   help ?

description[ANSWERED] buyers question EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] buyers question

oh and if someone could help me understand WHY MS changed the wim file to a ESD ? and why do some people seem to still be able to get the wim file for win10  vs every time i download it from MS site, its a ESD file........win10 that is.

description[ANSWERED] buyers question EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] buyers question


1) The Lifetime Edition is attached to one software : so in your case =
- if you just need to convert unencrypted "esd to wim" files, the software to use is "ES - Wim Converter"
- if you want to customize your Windows 10 system, you need to use "EX-100" (it supports install.esd, install.wim and install.swm)

2) There are 2 different kind of ESD files :
- esd files downloaded directly from microsoft website (like for Windows 10 Insiders Builds) : they are encrypted and you use them to create installation media. But is needs to be decrypted first by a dedicated software (all information are provided by Hen Ry in the "News" forum section). The main advantage of the ESD file format is his compression algorithm which reduce the size by around 33% compared to a WIM file
- esd files which are included in the ISO using the name "install.esd". These files are created to reduce the ISO size but are used in the same way as the "install.wim". The creation of these esd files are much slower than the creation of "install.wim" files (depending on your computer power). EX-100 supports such "install.esd" files

If you want to directly download official ISO files (with "install.wim" file), you may try to use the 1st link in this post : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Hope this helps you Smile
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