Im using customized Windows 8.1. When i try to open personalize, screen resolution settings its failing and says:


Server execution failed

Also, im not able to open more power options from battery icon. I tried every solution on the web but no one is for my pc.

Weird thing is after i change user account control settings to normal and reboot, problem resolves for a reboot. For second reboot its again says server execution failed.

Its all about "User Account Control: Switch to secure desktop when prompting for elevation" policy.

Local Group Policy Editor - Computer Configuration - Windows Settings - Security Settings - Local Policies - Security Options

When i enable this, no problem for just one reboot but after second reboot again error. I open "User Account Control: Switch to secure desktop when prompting for elevation" window and dont change anything, just clicking OK it solves problem for one reboot.

I think windows cant save some of my user account control policies. Any solution? Thanks in advance.