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description [ANSWERED] Settings crash when .......................... Empty [ANSWERED] Settings crash when ..........................

When you go to Start Menu>Settings>Privacy and click on Location it crashes back to the desktop.  This could very well be a Windows bug and not a WREX100 bug.


description [ANSWERED] Settings crash when .......................... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Settings crash when ..........................

as i read in the last changelog for build 14361 it was mentioned by MS that this build got random crashes at Privacy.  i got this crashes also, sometimes here and sometimes there.

Navigating to the Privacy pages in Settings app will crash the Settings app and prevent you from adjusting your privacy settings. Your privacy settings already set will remain intact after updating to this build. If this is a blocker for you, you can move to the Slow ring until this bug is fixed or be sure to set your privacy settings before updating to this build.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

description [ANSWERED] Settings crash when .......................... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Settings crash when ..........................

Hey with build 14366 this bug was solved (build 14367 is the newest)

The Settings app will no longer crash by navigating to the privacy-settings

Full changelog and source: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

description [ANSWERED] Settings crash when .......................... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Settings crash when ..........................

Ah, yes and once again this is very true if you are using the Insider Preview.  I just did another build today using the Win10_1511_2_English_x64 build.  I did confirm that yes, in the Insider Preview, Microsoft did fix that issue, however, it does still exist with the Win10_1511_2_English_x64 build.  It is no doubt a Microsoft issue and not a WREX100 bug.


description [ANSWERED] Settings crash when .......................... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Settings crash when ..........................

Moved to HELP - ANSWERED forum

this Microsoft bug was solved some time ago
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