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description[ANSWERED] Details about ISO compression Empty[ANSWERED] Details about ISO compression

In Optmizations WinSXS2 Expert WinSXS Folder Compression has the options XPRESS4K, 8K, 16K and LZX. The values mean more compression ? If yes what is the option with maximum compression ? If not is about compression level the options mean another feature ?
In WinISO Configuration ISO Compression Mode has the options Fast, Maximum and Recovery. Maximum is highest compression level or recovery ? Recovery mean a compression level ?

description[ANSWERED] Details about ISO compression EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Details about ISO compression


LZX is the maximum compression.

Recovery is the highest compression level, but really really slow to achieve its task.

So, for each menu you described, you need to consider the lists like this : from lightest (1st value in the list) to highest compression (latest value in the list) !

description[ANSWERED] Details about ISO compression EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Details about ISO compression

I need to say thanks for God for your work and continue bless your life.
Thanks again.
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