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description[ANSWERED] I need information about Windows Update using WInreducer Empty[ANSWERED] I need information about Windows Update using WInreducer

Using Winreducer has an option for download. Here I see two main sections TH1 and TH2.
My question is if I has an recent ISO TH2 I need select to download TH1 and TH2 files or just TH2 ?
Others questions are :
- if I has the Windows 10 TH1 the correct is select just TH1 for update to current Windows 10 version and avoid select the TH2 section ?
- I wait see which links to download the files of update because Winreducer not has option to pause download and I use an 3G internet that disconnect in each 200 MB of download. The files are more of 600 MB being impossible to download if not is possible to pause using Winreducer. Is possible see which links for each download file ?

description[ANSWERED] I need information about Windows Update using WInreducer EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] I need information about Windows Update using WInreducer


If you have a Windows 10 TH1 (build 10240) ISO, then you need to only download TH1 updates.

If you have a Windows 10 TH2 (build 10586) ISO, then you need to only download TH2 updates.

In fact, if you download all TH1 and TH2 updates, WinReducer EX-100 will detect your ISO build, and only integrate the correct updates !

description[ANSWERED] I need information about Windows Update using WInreducer EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] I need information about Windows Update using WInreducer

If selecting TH1 updates in an TH1 ISO will update Windows 10 to current version 10586 ?
I need the download links for each update file because here an each 200 MB of internet acess my ISP disconnect my internet access not being possible complete the download of one update of more of 600 MB.
Thanks for reply and God bless you.
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