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description[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out Empty[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out

Hi winter.
The Features window is all greyed out for me. Is that normal?
I have tried 2 different sources, but I get the same thing.

[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out Featur10

I also get two popups for "Windows Search" and "ModernUI Apps" stating that I have previously removed some Windows Components used for this protect preset, even though I have not loaded any wccf file.
I also tried downloading winreducer again, but still I get the same problem.

Protect ModernUI apps
[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out Protec10

Protect Windows Search
[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out Protec11

Is this a known issue?
I havent been on here too much of late so am not fully aware of all changes..

description[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out

I am having the same issues now.....Winter, this is happening on Winreducerex7 and in Winreducerex10.  I have also tried different sources and downloaed a few times. Why is this a constant issue. I have spent countless hours trying to fix this and still dont have a working ISO. Its very frustrating........sigh. Can anyone help you fix these issues or ?  This post is from 7 months ago......has this not been addressed? I am not complaining, I just spent so much time on this and every time i turn around there is another part of the program that does not work. I gave up on Win10......and now I am having same issues with win7 reducer Sad

description[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out

I cannot understand the problem.

always with new wim:

- delete or rename \-> WinReducerEX100\WORK\EXTRACT\ExtractedByWinReducer\WinReducerEX100.wccf - > WinReducerEX100_1.wccf

- then select the wccf

an already edited wim must be started with the latest WCCF -> now you can not select any WCCF, otherwise it comes to the problems mentioned above

the winreducer themselves do not know what has been removed, therefore the previous WCCF is called

description[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out

its more than that Hen Ry, if you save a wccf file and then load it.....its not saving the whole file that you just saved. I have tested this numerous times and its random. It is  saving random settings, so if i save my work ( and this is how i lost a lot of work because I hesitated to save , in fear of loosing something i just changed. Take for example, the windows themes......for SURE its not saving those settings and its not importing the themes into the directory that I select. On top of that,,,,,its deleting files i manually put in the WORK/SOFTWARE/Themes. 

Also, if i start clean, and lets just say that i protect everything.......then go removing this or that in all features and services ect........I should not end up with any errors at the end because I PROTECTED everything.  But I am getting errors in palaces  that i didnt even touch..... Just as  KrXand the guy above mention.     AND WINTER, please believe me, i KNOW its not intended to work that way, neither do i think its yours or any of the programmers fault >>>>>OTHER than MICROSOFT!   They are pathetic and have gone from BAD to EXTREMELY incompetent and are just down right horrible, ever since they moved to India. Windows has never been fixed....Ever!

If any of you are Mac users you know what i speak of.  If i could , i would throw this  "BROKEN windows"  out MY window!

/rant off......

anyways Winter take a look and see what you can find ?

Thanks for all your hard work!!

description[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out

more_horiz winreucer10 bugged? I have tried 4-5 times now and cant seem to get a good ISO to work.  I am not removing much thing I am removing is windows Defender......does that break it? Anyone know?  AND would someone please throw me a WCCF file that they got to work with windows defender removed? Pretty please?

description[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out

takitezsdc wrote: winreucer10 bugged? I have tried 4-5 times now and cant seem to get a good ISO to work.  I am not removing much thing I am removing is windows Defender......does that break it? Anyone know?  AND would someone please throw me a WCCF file that they got to work with windows defender removed? Pretty please?

it could be Windows Defender, but im not sure. in the past this component caused some Problems.
but it depends on what Problem you got.

do you still have the wccf file i sent you? if not do you want it again ?

description[ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Features window all greyed out

yes please...and KrX u got 10 min to chat with me on Team?
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