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description[ANSWERED] Language pack integration Empty[ANSWERED] Language pack integration

Regularly Henry offers a preview version of W10 and links language packs.
May he be thanked.
Despite my research I have not found how to integrate the language pack in the Iso or esd file before Winreducer process.
Does anyone has a link that could get me out of this frustration?
Thanks in advance.
((NDLR : translated from the native language by Google)

description[ANSWERED] Language pack integration EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Language pack integration

I do it with the Wintoolkit

caution: in which options remove the all hook(21), Screenshot 4

the left Plus switch and add packet

Screenshots :

description[ANSWERED] Language pack integration EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Language pack integration

Thank you for :
- The adequacy of the response;
- The speed of reactivity

description[ANSWERED] Language pack integration EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Language pack integration

S'il vous plaît un message de réussite - Please a success message Very Happy

description[ANSWERED] Language pack integration EmptyLanguage pack integration


That's it !
With some difficulty, the integration is made.
However, the Windows installation is always in English.
Perhaps there he also has a chance to put that part in the language pack selected?
Who knows !

description[ANSWERED] Language pack integration EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Language pack integration

In fact, the installation made from ISO from (issu) Toolkit is performed in the added language.
However, once this is passed through ISO Winreducer 6.3.0 (without changing any of the basic parameters: drivers, keyboard, services, system ...), added language disappears from the installation to be replaced by the language original (en-us).
I do not get why.
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