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description[ANSWERED] mount error Empty[ANSWERED] mount error

i'm getting this "your file is not mounted correctly" error
anyone knows what is it ?
win7 sp1 x64
[ANSWERED] mount error SWlSD8T

description[ANSWERED] mount error EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] mount error


1st, are you using the latest "EX-100 - v0.5.9.0" build ?

2nd, Windows 10 rs1 builds are not officially supported by EX-100, but as far as I know it should work great. I need to test it under Windows 7.

Thank you for the report.

By the way, excellent idea the screenshots Smile

description[ANSWERED] mount error EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] mount error


I've just tried, and it worked.

Could you please do this :
- update your EX-100 folder with the latest v0.5.9.0 available on the website
- open EX-100
- configure it if necessary
- close it immediately without doing anything more
- restart your computer
- launch again EX-100 and try to mount your ISO

Please let me know. Thanks.

description[ANSWERED] mount error EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] mount error

thanks for the reply
i do use the latest version and i followed your instructions but to no avail
i tried to mount the image myself with dism to see the error 
and i am pretty sure i am missing something in this win7 installation
because the dism log  complains about several things.
So i guess isn't reducer's fault at all

log :

description[ANSWERED] mount error EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] mount error

looking around and found a solution, 
pasting here just in case anyone else might have this problem
(not allowed to insert links as yet)
registry :

strange things...

description[ANSWERED] mount error EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] mount error

I recently received this error with WREX100 using a Win 10 Enterprise ISO.  I originally had all files on a USB with enough free space.  I moved the WREX100 folder to my internal drive and was then able to get it mounted.
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