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description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help Empty[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help

Hello, I have been trying to use WinReducer Ex-100 and have come across a couple of issues i am hoping you all could assist me with. I have viewed several post already in the forums and have not found a solution.

1. When adding OOBE post installation task the .cmd file seems to ignore the switches i put on the end. When the setup is called the install wants to manually install...
@echo  **********     Welcome     **********
@echo  Installing Adobe ReaderDC Please wait

"%CDROM%\WinReducerEX100PI\Adobe_Reader_DC_1500920069\setup.exe" /q

P.S. i have tried multiple switches and software installs...

2. If i turn on Activate Unattended Option the whole windows 10 install fails at the beginning due to an error about the license file not being present. i therefor am unable to add user accounts and time customization.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help


for 1. did you try to insert your switch before " ? like:

"%CDROM%\WinReducerEX100PI\Adobe_Reader_DC_1500920069\setup.exe /q"

2. did you remove something from the FEATURES and SERIVICE Tab ? winreducer 10 is still in beta and it could be that something is breaking you installation from this tab, because they arent fully tested yet. Only the REMOVE tab should be save for now

description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help

1. Tried that, the error message is "the directory is invalid"

2. I have not changed anything in the features tab.

description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help


In the "Unattended" tab, did you enter a serial number in the the dedicated field ?

description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help

No i did not. i will try that and report back.

Any idea about the switch issue as i am trying to install several software packages silently and this is a major road block.

description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help

one more question. did you try to install your software with that switch? does it work?

for adobe i found this switches:

/sAllSilent Mode for product
/sPBSilent Mode with Progress Bar for product
/sLSDisplay Language Selection Dialog
/rsReboot Suppress
/rpsReboot Prompt Suppress
/ini “PATH”Alternative initialization file
/sl “LANG_ID”Set Language; LANG_ID – Code in decimal digits
/lEnable Error Logging
/reRegister Errors
/extUIAttach external UI Handler
/msi[Command line]Parameters for MSIEXEC

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description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help

The serial number fixed the unattended problem. thanks:)

still having a problem with switches...

I have used the appropriate command line switches for all of the product i have attempted to install. I also have batch files created for each of these installs that are currently in use and working, so i am confident that i have the correct switches.

One of my installs requires a switch in order to even install. (xml config file)
the file ignores the switch and just calls the exe without any perimeters. resulting in failure. I can then run the batch file i created that is in the same install location and it installs just fine since the bat file calls the switch...

office 365 install
command called from oobe cmd file:
"%CDROM%\WinReducerEX100PI\O365x64\setup.exe" /configure o365.xml
This only runs the setup.exe and ignores the /configure o365.xml

the bat file i have that works calls:
".\setup.exe" /configure o365.xml
product installs as intended.

description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help

OK, so i think i have solved/found a work around to the issue with the OOBE installs.

even though the account that is created is an admin account the command prompt that is launched is not run in admin mode. since most of these installs require UAC elevation they fail to install though the OOBE command prompt.

This is the very short version of the story.
To work around this issue i used bat2exe and converted my bat files to exe files
I then pointed the OOBE installations to the new exe I created.
these exe files are run within an elevated command prompt upon execution
and all of the software installs properly.


Never mind. the bat files run correctly but once the exe is called the install fails... back to the drawing board....

description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help

hmm ok

than running the .exe (office) with admin rights from the batch should also work? i.e.:


runas /user:administrator "%CDROM%\WinReducerEX100PI\O365x64\setup.exe" /configure o365.xml

description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help

another attempt, looks promising.

Within the WinreducerEx100PI.cmd file i inserted code at the beginning of the file that elevates the command prompt to Admin (UAC prompt), once elevated i was able to execute my files without going though the bat2exe conversion.

the command i had to run to get office to install properly is as follows:
"%CDROM%\WinReducerEX100PI\O365x64\setup.exe" /configure "%CDROM%\WinReducerEX100PI\O365x64\o365.xml"
Even though all of the files are located in the same directory i had to specify the path for the xml...go figure....
I still have some testing to do but i will report back next week.

description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help

ok looks like its all working properly now.

The .cmd file has to be run as admin in order to perform most installs. That being said I added code to the beginning of the file(prior to it looking for the CD drive) that accomplish the admin rights issue.

Second instead of adding all the software to the ISO; I have the OOBE file map a network drive and install the software via several other bat files located on the network shares.
having the ability to add the software is very handy though for completely offline installs. Granted your ISO file will be very large!

So the switches problem seemed to be a issue because the command prompt was not elevated as admin. once this was worked around all switches worked properly, with the exception of needed to specify the whole path for the office config xml.

Thanks for the help guys and thanks for a great product!

description[ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] WinReducer EX-100 OOBE and Unattended Help


Thank you very much for your report ... it was really informative and detailed !

And I'm totally agree with you about the fact that the .cmd could be entirely adapted to your needs if you are an experienced user.

For the record, I've planned to greatly improve this part in the next months Smile

I wish you to have a nice day !
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