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description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... Empty[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............

This issue is very bothersome and mind boggling because once again I have no problem with the files I am trying to execute with a non-reduced version of Windows 10.  And the files I am referring to are the executables for my Dell laptop that install many of it's drivers.  Why couldn't it be the browser software or anything but my drivers?  Well, once again there are certainly work arounds but nonetheless the bug still exists.  If you need me to upload one of the executables  I would be more than happy to do so.  One nice thing about Windows 10 is that it does what Windows 3.1 or some version back in the 80's or so   haha  but it's very good about downloading drivers that it has for your computer.  I do love the links in WinReducer for drivers for the most popular manufactures of hardware components.  And luckily I know how to get an inf file to work for me when all else fails.  Anyways this is one bug that bothers me because it just doesn't make any sense.


description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............


yes it would be nice if you could upload one of those exe files, also your wccf file would be good.

Could you also do a screenshot of the problem?

Does the "error" happen after starting the .exe file ?

description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............

I am about 99.9% sure this issue has been solved only to uncover another one.  After scanning both my computers I found that my laptop had been infected by a virus.  The worst of it is that most of the files affected were in the WinReducer X64 directory and so of course every build I did the virus was very nicely integrated and just spread even more.  ugh  I should have (and will in the future) noticed something was wrong when I started getting hard drive errors especially given this is a brand new SSD.  To make a long story short I backed up what little I could and scanned all of it and then wiped out the SSD and did a clean install and got everything set up to do some builds again and of course I will be starting with a build making sure to leave the Store in it.  I will double check the other security issue as well but I don't think there is any connection with user accounts and the virus.  So as a last word to the wise it pays to scan all your downloads regardless of where they come from.  This stuff is real and when it happens it's not a very pretty picture. 

Thanks KrX for following up on this and I will let you know when I am 100% sure that was the problem BUT to answer your question there was never an error.  The just simply did not work at all.  LIke they went out to lunch somewhere and probably makes sense since one of the virus's was aptly named taskkill.dll so and so it was out to kill anything running.  I'm just glad I caught it in time to do something about it and also take some very quick corrective action.  Luckily I only had 16 infections on my laptop and fortunately none on my desktop and none on any of my removable devices.

Geekster aka Steve

description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............

puh, a virus is an annoying thing.

happily i got in the last 8 years only 2 times an virus and im not using an antivirus or an firewall at all xD

the most danger for my files am i myself when doing live test on my notebooks and  im tired or not paying much attansion and formating the wrong partition or hdd xD haha

but happily i got nice tools to recover formated files and also got backups on my NAS

so i hope you will get a clean system fast

description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............

Yes I indeed get my system all cleaned up.  I set up WinReducer81 all over again.  I had to download all the updates all over again and did a scan as soon as they were downloaded off of whatever server this site gets the updates from and already detected the same virus again and here is where they are.  I would suggest everyone that has downloaded updates recently delete these files and just do updates from the Microsoft server.

DateTime=2015-05-20 13:08:43
1/10/2016 3:48:18 PM: D:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-ell.exe=>(7z o)=>netfx_FullLP.mzz=>System.Data.resources.dll_amd64_ell|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 3:48:18 PM: D:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-rus.exe=>(7z o)=>netfx_FullLP.mzz=>System.Web.Abstractions.resources.dll_amd64_rus|DelFileAndBack=

DateTime=2015-05-20 13:08:43
1/10/2016 4:11:25 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-chs.exe=>(7z o)=>DisplayIcon.ico|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:25 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-cht.exe=>(7z o)=>Graphics/Rotate4.ico|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:26 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-csy.exe=>(7z o)=>>amd64_netfx4-system.workf..nentmodel.resources_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_4.0.9600.21180_cs-cz_7f0cace8eef98026\system.workflow.componentmodel.resources.dll|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:26 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-dan.exe=>(7z o)=>>amd64_netfx4clientcorecomp.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.18035_da-dk_a0df3abc13074ff0=>findusers.aspx.da.resx=>(NO_NAME)|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:26 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-deu.exe=>(7z o)=>|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:27 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-esn.exe=>(7z o)=>|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:27 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-fin.exe=>(7z o)=>>amd64_netfx4clientcorecomp.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.18035_fi-fi_e5e20781f8fc941e\mscorrc.dll|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:27 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-fra.exe=>(7z o)=>|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:28 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-heb.exe=>(7z o)=>|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:28 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-hun.exe=>(7z o)=>|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:28 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-ita.exe=>(7z o)=>|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:29 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-jpn.exe=>(7z o)=>|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:29 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-kor.exe=>(7z o)=>>\|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:30 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-nld.exe=>(7z o)=>|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:30 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-nor.exe=>(7z o)=>>amd64_netfx4clientcorecomp.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.21180_nb-no_0216ee96a4e235ac\workflowservicehostperformancecounters.dll.mui|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:30 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-plk.exe=>(7z o)=>|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:31 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-ptb.exe=>(7z o)=>>amd64_5f5f79c879f429bc26a67931ce82a13e_31bf3856ad364e35_4.0.9600.21180_none_927a646700f8930a.manifest=>(NO_NAME)|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:31 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-ptg.exe=>(7z o)=>|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:31 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-sve.exe=>(7z o)=>>amd64_netfx4clientcorecomp.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.18035_sv-se_2c17a81a4be9b651\vbc7ui.dll|DelFileAndBack=
1/10/2016 4:11:32 PM: G:\Winreducerex81\WORK\Integrate\UPDATES\x64\NET46\Ndp46-kb3045557-x86-x64-allos-trk.exe=>(7z o)=>>amd64_netfx4clientcorecomp.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.18035_tr-tr_d524f2613aa5b842\|DelFileAndBack=

Or if you like you can download this file with all the information in it as well:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

As you can see it appears that only one of the updates ummmmm I take that back 20 updates all of which are of the EXE type are infected with the virus.  I scanned everything on both my systems with two different scanners and I believe all the other updates should be fine.  I just hope everyone takes viruses seriously becuase they can certainly raise havoc when you're trying to test as much as we are and this happens.  All kinds of bugs start popping up when a virus goes rampant.  I'm just glad I caught it and contained in time before alot more crazy stuff started happening.

Geekster  aka  Steve

description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............

hmm thats odd.

as i know the updates are downloaded from microsoft directly.

maybe winter knows more.

description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............

If they are coming off of a Microsoft server that's even more scary.  I guess I will be offloading everything to an SDCard first and scan them before putting them on my system.  And this is really dangerous when the virus is being integrated every time you do a build and then you execute the build and so on and so on.  And yeah hopefully Winter can shed more light on all this.  Anyways I haven't had any trouble with EXE files not executing anymore after containing the virus.  Everything is working just fine now.

Geekster aka Steve

description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............

thats really odd. i downloaded myself all updates you can get from winreducer8.1 (also 7 and 10) and i also scanned them now and i found nothing (no virus, no trojan, no malware/adware, no rootkit)

description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............

That's certainly good news for sure KrX.  Maybe you downloaded them before they became infected?   I'm sure you saw that long log I posted and I am seeing first hand how they replicate.  Did you make sure to scan that Net46 directory.   When I first detected them they were scattered all over the place  and causing me to have hard drive errors and then the EXE failures.  That's when I trashed everything on that drive and reformatted and put a clean build back on.  And since I knew what directory they originated from  The second time around I had WinReducer81 set up on a SD Card ..... slow as hell yes but that way if they downloaded again they were not going anywhere and then I scanned the SD card and there they were again.  I have found the same virus in all my backups with that directory.  And don't try to delete one either because I found out quick they will execute and spread some more.  This has not been the funnest day of my life.  Maybe it got reported in time for them to get it off the server??  They are all now sitting in quarentine and on my next build they will get shredded when I format them into never never land.  I am trashing all my DVD's I have burned with builds from WinReducer81 and starting all over.  No biggie.  Oh, and if you want me to upload you some of the infected files I'll be happy to ...... just kidding .......... I don't think would appreciate that very much and besides they are in quarantine where I can't get to them anyways.

Geekster aka Steve

description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............


I confirm that all windows updates available in all WinReducer EX-Series are coming from MS servers ... there are no other sources because I'm using only the official websites to get them.

I don't think MS has a problem, I more likely thinking about your Anti-virus.

To be sure, I've redownloaded all files, and passed them with my anti-virus GData (not the best but still good) and made a virus total .... and nothing found and here are the reports for the 2 incriminated files from yor "[FullScan2016011015]" :

Spoiler :

I do not know which Anti-virus you are using but you should probably wait a new update or inform your av vendor.


description[ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ............... EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] EXE files do not always exectute ...............

Thank you very much for following up on this issue and that is very good news that everything checks out there.  And the anit-virus and anti-malware products I have used for years and trust more than others (they update their database more often than even MS's Defender) are:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The other one I use and is highly trusted by technicians worldwide is the one advertised right here on your own website:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I learned as a repair technician to never trust just one product because NONE of them catch everything.  I know that sounds sad but it's true.  Maybe Microsoft should run their own Defender on their servers   lol  Anyway ............. back to what we all enjoy more than anything and testing software.  Smile

Geekster aka Steve
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