First I just have to say how much I very much appreciate WinterStorm staying on top of all the problems we are reporting and getting them fixed very quickly. And thanks for all the new updates and news you have sent our way Winter!!!
So as I mentioned in another topic about all the testing I have been doing on WinReducer100 v0.5.5.0. I have 5 builds that I tested on two machines. One is a Acer Desktop and the other is a Dell Inspiron Laptop. And I have tested five different builds:
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I ran into this bug with the very first build. Then my thinking was "what component is breaking Windows Activation?" Just for the record please note that 1.) I never had an instance where I had an WinReduced 8.1 have any issues with Windowas Activation, and 2) at this moment I have both my computers running with Windows 10 activated with etitlement. 3.0 and these are downloaded from Microsoft. With all 5 WinReducer builds that I have done NONE of them will activate. And then I can turn right around and install the Full Version untouched by WinReducer and they activate just fine.
As far as I can tell I have nailed the problem down to the problem being in WinReducer and not with Windows itself. This was not a problem in WinReducer8.1 as every build was activated the very first time I logged onto the Internet.
Geekster aka Steve
So as I mentioned in another topic about all the testing I have been doing on WinReducer100 v0.5.5.0. I have 5 builds that I tested on two machines. One is a Acer Desktop and the other is a Dell Inspiron Laptop. And I have tested five different builds:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
I ran into this bug with the very first build. Then my thinking was "what component is breaking Windows Activation?" Just for the record please note that 1.) I never had an instance where I had an WinReduced 8.1 have any issues with Windowas Activation, and 2) at this moment I have both my computers running with Windows 10 activated with etitlement. 3.0 and these are downloaded from Microsoft. With all 5 WinReducer builds that I have done NONE of them will activate. And then I can turn right around and install the Full Version untouched by WinReducer and they activate just fine.
As far as I can tell I have nailed the problem down to the problem being in WinReducer and not with Windows itself. This was not a problem in WinReducer8.1 as every build was activated the very first time I logged onto the Internet.
Geekster aka Steve