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description[ANSWERED] Wccf Please  Empty[ANSWERED] Wccf Please

 Please I want any exciting wccf for windows 10 1511 x64 that reduce the iso size , i'm always try to reduce it but i don't know the unnecessary component on windows to delete . 
thanks Very Happy

description[ANSWERED] Wccf Please  EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Wccf Please

sameh22 wrote:
 Please I want any exciting wccf for windows 10 1511 x64 that reduce the iso size , i'm always try to reduce it but i don't know the unnecessary component on windows to delete . 
thanks Very Happy

Its hard to provide you an WCCF for reducing cause we dont know what you use on your windows, so the WCCF could remove something that you or something can break an certain service that you might use and dont even know. So you'd better try it for yourself and select what you dont use and most likely do some research on the components that you dont know what they're for.

description[ANSWERED] Wccf Please  EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Wccf Please

some presets are available here:

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but i dont know if they are updated so they will work with winreducer 10.

like Metaleroll said, if we send you and wccf file we use it could remove some component you need or leave some components that you cont need.
especially when i would send you my wccf file which remove like 90% of all components
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