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descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

Hi Everyone;

Sorry if this is under the wrong topic. I have selected all WinSxS Cleanup options (both normal boot.wim and expert install.wim) and after install, my WinSxS folder showed up ~4 Gigabytes (the total installation size was ~6,5 Gigabytes).

I have to mention the following:
1) The original system is Windows 8.1. VL PRO 3 (32bits) and I have integrated updates until October 2015.
2) I have removed none of the drivers fearing that my hardware wouldn't work (happened before).
3) The original install. wim (after esd conversion) was ~3.5 gigabytes, after cleanup however it only reduced to 2.9 Gigabytes.
4) I have used the latest WinEx 8.1

Appreciate your opinions. Thanx

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

Did you choose Winsxs compression? That reduces the size a lot.

As for drivers, you can safely remove all the printer and scanner drivers, keeping only the ones you need. That shouldn't lead to any loss of functionality.

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

Hi aymalnaz, thanx for the insight.

I forgot to add several things:

1) I used compression for a second time and it reduced the ISO for only 200 Megabytes or so.
2) I watch the process for a while and Expert WinSxS Cleanup phase (install.wim) seemed very quick to me (it has to be the longest I suppose). I had the impression that the program somehow by-passed it.
3) After running "Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase", the winsxs folder was reduced by half (2 gigabytes) and it took nearly 1.5 hour. Still large.

As for drivers, I previously encountered a very tricky issue (not this one). My ethernet is Realtek and although I did not remove anything named Realtek, I was unable to have it recognized by the system, which said something like "windows finished loading the driver but could not find the appropriate file". Frankly, I am therefore afraid a bit.

Good Day.

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option


1) Take care about one thing : ISO size and installation size. So, ISO size is already compressed when you cerate your ISO. And once installed, your system is decompressed from your ISO.

2) Could you please have a look in your wccf file, to see the status of the "EXPERT - WinSXS Folder Cleanup (install.wim)" : if it's "true" or "false" ? Thanks.

3) Yes that's true, a Dism "ResetBase" should remove all duplicated files in your WinSxS folder ... unfortunately there is no official options to do it before installation if case there are pending updates, which is required for many updates. I'm working on a solution to remove all duplicated files.
I've integrated the same option as your command line, in the "Unattended" tab named "WinSXS DISM Cleanup (ResetBase)"

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

Dear Winterstorm;

As you have said, winsxs compression is about the ISO size, they are later decompressed.
Values are in the picture, I've highlighted the one you have asked.It is "true".
WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option Proces11
I'm suspecting two things:
1) Integration of updates prior to using WinReducer is causing the issue.
2) WiinReducer by-passes this step. As I have said, I've watched the process and the  "EXPERT - WinSXS Folder Cleanup (install.wim)" step was very short.


descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option


OK, so it seems that there is a trouble, you ISO should be reduced more than that. So please could you try this :
1) Open EX-81
2) Exit EX-81 (without doing anything else)
3) Delete your EX-81 installation folder
4) Re-download from the official website the EX-81 zip package
5) Extract the content of the zip file using the path "C:\" (do not use your "Desktop" for this)
6) restart the installation procedure
7) recreate your ISO

Please let me know. Thank you.

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

OK winterstrom, I'll give it a try at a convenient time.
One question by the way:
Is there a specific reason you'are instructing as C:\ ? (ownership, etc.)

Thank You.

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

Yes, because there is a potential bug with folder length Wink

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

Hi winterstorm;
I have tried once again with files located at the root of the drive, but to no avail. I am sending you the wcf file by PM.

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

OK, I've identified the issue at last. Here's what happened:
I was trying to process a Win 8.1. folder using WinReducer, but I was doing it under Windows 7. When I launched the software under a Windows 8.1 host everything worked fine. I think the issue is related to the outdated DISM included in Windows 7.
So the conclusion is: Do not run the software under Windows 7, if you want to work on later versions of Windows, otherwise winsxs cleanup will fail even other components are removed flawlessly.

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

xanadu73 wrote:
So the conclusion is: Do not run the software under Windows 7, if you want to work on later versions of Windows, otherwise winsxs cleanup will fail even other components are removed flawlessly.

This is a well known requirement since the beginning Smile I'm pretty sure its mentioned in the pdf that comes with zip installation file..
At least now you know Wink

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

theKramer wrote:
This is a well known requirement since the beginning Smile I'm pretty sure its mentioned in the pdf that comes with zip installation file..
At least now you know Wink

It is not written therein, are you sure??? That PDF mentions only the following as requirements (quoted identically):

Operating System: (consult the website)
Screen Resolution: 1024 × 768 (Best view in 1920 x 1080 with a DPI of 120 (= 125%))
Memory: 5 Mb (Compatibility Mode) or 30 Mb (WinReducer GUI Themes)
Internet Connection: required to download WinReducer resources (like updates)
Languages Supported: all
Third-party software: (see § 3)

And when one consults the website as suggested in first article, the following is stated:
Customize your Windows 8.1 ISO in all operating system : Windows 7, 8.0, 8.1 or 10 !

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option


I'm working on a solution to bypass the Windows 7 limitation in some situation ... Wink

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

dear winterstorm;
All of the troubles I have written under this topic result from using Windows 7. I think the solution would be including an updated "DISM" (without downloading a 1.7 Gigabytes DVD of course Smile )

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option


If you are using "WinReducer EX-81 - v1.2.5.0" it already uses an independent Dism (to guarantee portability and independence from running system).

But it seems there are troubles using Windows 7 for this purpose which are not existed under newer Windows Operating Systems. I will dig this as soon as possible.

It also depends to your own system :
- an antivirus may produce troubles
- if you have MS waik tool installed (some users solved their troubles by removing it), not enough left space on your HDD or SSD
- a HDD defective cluster

... these are some common troubles which may have impact on the result.

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

winterstorm2050 wrote:
... these are some common troubles which may have impact on the result.

They surely have Smile But as to my case; Nope, I have none of these troubles, at least for now Smile
I turn off anti-virus when working with WinReducer, VirtualBox etc... as AV softwares render the host system extremely sluggish.
Furthermore, I have tried the procedure both on my desktop and my laptop, both of which failed (both have Windows 7 host Smile ). This problem is quite interesting, so to say..

descriptionWinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option EmptyRe: WinSxS Still Huge Despite Full CleanUp Option

winterstorm2050 wrote:
I'm working on a solution to bypass the Windows 7 limitation in some situation ... Wink

Any progress winterstorm? Thanx
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