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description[ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8  Empty[ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8


Everytime i made a iso with EX-100 get this error code during boot from usb

the exception unknown software exception occurred in the application at location 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8
this is also when i only change the desktop background in a customized windows 10 iso.
can anyone help me ?


description[ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8  EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8


- first which iso do you use (build / version etc)
- which version of winreducer do you use?
- does this error happen when you try to install your iso when its untouched ?

description[ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8  EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8


the iso windows 10 pro insider preview evaluation copy build 10576
i used the latest winreducer version from the site.
i get this error when its loading windows setup i only see the setup screen and says setup is starting then i get the error
the only thing i changed in winreducer is enable theme support and i changed the windows desktop background

description[ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8  EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8


i received some mails and  pms that people got problems with build 105XX, and as i can remember winterstorm said its not supported (yet) with winreducer.

but what you could do is try the latest alpha of winreducer 10

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if you want to remove some stuff, load the provided .wccf file i the alpha and ONLY deselect the stuff you want to keep (addind stuff can cause problems cause those components arent tested yet [cause ist an alpha])

if it still dont work, did you try installing your downloaded iso before trying winreducer? do you ge the same error? if yes your iso is the problem.

description[ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8  EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8

That's strange, in Virtualbox it works beautifully.

10576 with v0.4.17.3.wccf

description[ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8  EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] 0x00007ffef2ca3dc8


I confirm what KrX said, Windows 10 TH2 builds (105xx) are not officially supported, yet ... Wink

Don't worry, this will be done soon ... TH2 release has been planned by MS for 10 November 2015 ... Smile
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