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descriptionFormat.exe not working EmptyFormat.exe not working

I have a problem with my WinReduced 8.0 Windows 8.0 x64 Polish edition. I cannot format (any)drive (as an Admin), format (from elevated cmd.exe) gives only:
C:\Windows\System32>format V:\
diskmgmt shows empty filesystem list (where one would expect NTFS, FAT, FAD32, etc.). Cannot do a format also thru a Windows Exploiter (with a right mouse-button click). Probably it happens because of some component removal? Can't work it out, please help!
WCCF file, part 1 is on s0m0zd35ve, part 2 is eviuyycfkw (it is safe, pure text of XML, yet one should merge them to make it valid.

descriptionFormat.exe not working EmptyRe: Format.exe not working


what i could think of is, did you remove the defragmentation service ?

if yes try not removing it.

when i remove it i cant shrink or extend my partitions, thats why im thinking it could be this service causing it

descriptionFormat.exe not working EmptyRe: Format.exe not working

No, that's not it - I can shrink and grow a partition.
Can't find anything about this problem in eventlog even
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