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description[ANSWERED] ex100 unable to mount iso. Empty[ANSWERED] ex100 unable to mount iso.

When using an iso created with the mediacreationtool using both x64 and x86 images I am unable to mount the iso and get the error ''this folder is incorrect''.  Is this a known issue using isos with multiple versions of windows 10 or something to do with my system?

-lifetime vip member ex8.1 and user of win7,8,10 reducers all

description[ANSWERED] ex100 unable to mount iso. EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] ex100 unable to mount iso.


does the extracted windows 10 folder -> sources folder, contain a file called install.wim or install.esd?

im thinking the media tool creates an install.esd. so if you got an .esd file you need to convert it to an .wim file before using winreducer

you can convert it with this tool:

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as long as the file isnt encrypted
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