after several new buildings, the loop seems to belong to the Modern UI Apps.
- I download Win10_1607_German_x64.iso from MS (Windows Build 10.0.14393.351 (rs1_release or so called Anniversary Update 1607) )
- I used WinReducerEX100 v0.9.11.0
- I used this wccf
Result: there is
no loop when installing
Next, I start at the beginning with the original build 10.0.14393.351.
- I used WinReducerEX100 v0.9.11.0
- I used this wccf
loop when installing
Difference between these two settings are the following components:
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Connect" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Content Delivery Manager" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Desktop App Installer" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Framework (Advertising SDK)" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Framework (.NET Native)" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Framework (Visual C++ Runtime)" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="One Connect" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Sticky Notes" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Windows Store" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Windows Store (Purchase App)" Selected="true" />
<Element Category="Remove - Modern UI Apps" Name="Xbox LIVE Games (Identity Provider)" Selected="true" />
Maybe someone can test with these two wccf files and post, if the first one works and the second results in a loop too.
Remember, always start new. Do NOT use a modified iso/wim.