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descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyServices that are safe to disable

Hello people.

I tweaking now my W10 iso but i want to know your experience in which services that are safe to disable/manual or even remove. I know it depends what i will do with my machine but mostly will be for Internet, Video/Music/Office and Gaming.

- Beep 
- Fax
- Security Center
- Smart Card
- System Event Notification
- Volume Shadow Copy
- Windows Error Reporting

- Program Compatibility Assistance 
- Windows Indexing 

Thanks for your time.

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

I have tweaked these services in my Windows 7 and never had any problems with it. I am sure you can also use it in Windows 10 without getting problems,
but be sure to test it. I will do it too once I finish slimming my Windows 10...

Here is the list:

Adaptive Brightness::Disabled
Application Layer Gateway::Disabled
Application Management::Disabled
BitLocker Drive Encryption::Disabled
Block Level Backup Engine::Disabled
Bluetooth Support::Disabled
Branch Cache::Disabled
Certificate Propagation::Disabled
Credential Manager::Disabled
Diagnostic Policy::Disabled
Diagnostic Service Host::Disabled
Diagnostic System Host::Disabled
Distributed Link Tracking Client::Disabled
Function Discovery Provider Host::Disabled
Function Discovery Resource Publication::Disabled
Health Key and Certificate Management::Disabled
HomeGroup Listener::Disabled
HomeGroup Provider::Disabled
Interactive Services Detection::Disabled
IP Helper::Disabled
Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper::Disabled
LPD Service::Disabled
Net.Pipe Listener Adapter::Disabled
Net.Tcp Listener Adapter::Disabled
Net.Tcp Port Sharing::Disabled
Network Access Protection Agent::Disabled
Offline Files::Disabled
Parental Controls::Disabled
Peer Name Resolution Protocol::Disabled
Peer Networking Grouping::Disabled
Peer Networking Identity Manager::Disabled
PnP-X IP Bus Enumerator::Disabled
PNRP Machine Name Publication::Disabled
Portable Device Enumerator::Disabled
Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support::Disabled
Program Compatibility Assistant::Disabled
Quality Windows Audio Video Experience::Disabled
Remote Registry::Disabled
Security Center::Disabled
Smart Card::Disabled
Smart Card Removal Policy::Disabled
SNMP Trap::Disabled
Tablet PC Input::Disabled
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper::Manual
TPM Base Services::Disabled
Windows Backup::Disabled
Windows Biometric::Disabled
Windows CardSpace::Disabled
Windows Color System::Disabled
Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar::Disabled
Windows Defender::Disabled
Windows Error Reporting::Disabled
Windows Media Center Receiver::Disabled
Windows Media Center Scheduler::Disabled
Windows Media Player Network Sharing::Disabled
Windows Process Activation::Disabled
Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)::Disabled
Windows Search::Disabled
Windows Update::Disabled
WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery::Disabled

Leave some feedback, cheers Cool

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

i REMOVE not disable all Services exept the one for printing, search and Wifi and never got any Problems Razz

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

using Windwos since V2.0, this version 10 is (finally!) programmed to have services in stopped state and start'em when needed (triggered start). Using PC for web/audio/video/games, I tweaked the services, disabled some, but most are manual and stopped. Try to NOT disable...
- If a service needs to be started (e.g. DeviceSetupManager because you inserted a USB), it can be started !
- If something fails, I reboot and stop my startup script to verify if the problem is with services

My config is extreme, I am using StartIsBack (hinders SearchUI.exe/ShellExperienceHost.exe) and renamed System files to finally have Tile/TimeBroker shut up.
Win10 LTSB N running with 26 processes, net start gives
   Background Tasks Infrastructure Service
   Cryptographic Services
   DCOM Server Process Launcher
   Device Setup Manager
   DNS Client
   Group Policy Client
   Local Session Manager
   Network Store Interface Service
   Plug and Play
   Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
   RPC Endpoint Mapper
   Security Accounts Manager
   System Events Broker
   Task Scheduler
   TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
   User Profile Service
   Windows Audio
   Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
   Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework
   Windows Font Cache Service
   Windows Management Instrumentation
   WMI Performance Adapter
rem disable tracking and info gathering
sc config DiagTrack start= disabled
sc config diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service start= disabled
sc config dmwappushservice start= disabled
sc config RemoteRegistry start= disabled
sc config TrkWks start= disabled
sc config WMPNetworkSvc start= disabled
sc config WSearch start= disabled
rem disable Windows Search, Windows Update, CertProp DiagTracking DistLinkTracking dmwappushsvc ShellHard Sspd WinHttp
sc config CertPropSvc start= disabled
sc config MSDTC start= disabled
sc config SSDPSRV start= disabled
sc config WinHttpAutoProxySvc start= disabled
REM Shell Hardware Detection, no CD/DVD autostart!
sc config ShellHWDetection start= disabled

rem disable HomegroupProvider ComputerBrowser Dhcp NetworkBroker NetworkAwareness WindowsConnect WindowsFirewall
rem manual Backgroundintelligent EventLog Secondarylogon SystemEventsNotification Windowserror Windowsconnectionmanager
sc config HomeGroupProvider start= disabled
sc config Browser start= disabled
sc config Dhcp start= disabled
sc config NcbService start= disabled
sc config NlaSvc start= disabled
sc config wcncsvc start= disabled
sc config MpsSvc start= disabled
sc config BITS start= demand
sc config EventLog start= demand
sc config seclogon start= demand
sc config SENS start= demand
sc config WerSvc start= demand
sc config Wcmsvc start= demand

Image of system in that state,
Startup.bat (startup script executed ONCE after imaging):
sc config WerSvc start= disabled >NUL
net stop WerSvc >NUL
sc config wscsvc start= disabled >NUL
net stop wscsvc >NUL
sc config eventlog start= disabled >NUL
net stop eventlog >NUL
sc config Themes start= disabled >NUL
net stop Themes >NUL

StopServices.bat (startup script on every reboot):
net stop "Device Setup Manager" >NUL
net stop "Diagnostic Service Host" >NUL
net stop "Diagnostic Policy Service" >NUL
net stop "IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules" >NUL
net stop "IPsec Policy Agent" >NUL
net stop "User Manager" >NUL
net stop "Device Association Service" >NUL
net stop "COM+ System Application" >NUL
net stop BFE >NUL
net stop sens >NUL
net stop "Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)" >NUL
net stop "Windows Installer" >NUL
net stop "Update Orchestrator Service" >NUL
net stop "Secondary Logon" >NUL
net stop "Human Interface Device Service" >NUL
net stop "COM+ Event System" >NUL
net stop "Windows Error Reporting Service" >NUL
net stop "Distributed Transaction Coordinator" >NUL
REM disable Eventlog !
sc config Eventlog start= disabled >NUL
net stop eventlog
REM disable Tile service
takeown /f c:\windows\system32\tileobjserver.dll
icacls c:\windows\system32\tileobjserver.dll /grant administrators:f
net stop tiledatamodelsvc >NUL
move c:\windows\system32\tileobjserver.dll c:\windows\system32\ >NUL
REM disable TimeBroker service
takeown /f c:\windows\system32\TimeBrokerServer.dll
icacls c:\windows\system32\TimeBrokerServer.dll /grant administrators:f
net stop TimeBroker >NUL
move c:\windows\system32\TimeBrokerServer.dll c:\windows\system32\ >NUL

Cleanup.bat (to be used in Windows session, stop services that might have been started):
net stop DsmSvc & net stop DeviceAssociationService & net stop WdiServiceHost & net stop DPS & net stop IKEEXT & net stop PolicyAgent & net stop UserManager & net stop SecLogon & net stop SENS & net stop hidserv & net stop eventsystem & net stop dssvc & net stop stisvc & net stop KeyIso & net stop BFE

GrouPolicy ShutdownScript.bat (for Tile/TimeBroker to start and prevent delays):
@MOVE c:\windows\system32\ c:\windows\system32\tileobjserver.dll
@MOVE c:\windows\system32\ c:\windows\system32\TimeBrokerServer.dll

WfwON.bat (WindowsFirewall):
sc config MpsSvc start= demand
net start MpsSvc

net stop "IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules"
net stop "IPsec Policy Agent"
net stop MpsSvc
net stop BFE
sc config MpsSvc start= disabled
sc config BFE start= demand

WuON.bat (WindowsUpdate):
sc config wuauserv start= demand
sc config fdPHost start= demand
sc config HomeGroupProvider start= demand
sc config NlaSvc start= demand
sc config Dhcp start= demand

net stop wuauserv
net stop HomeGroupProvider
net stop NcdAutoSetup
net stop netprofm
net stop NlaSvc
net stop Dhcp
sc config wuauserv start= disabled
sc config fdPHost start= disabled
sc config HomeGroupProvider start= disabled
sc config NlaSvc start= disabled
sc config Dhcp start= disabled

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

Can someone post what they disable and remove etc.......that follows the options in WinreducerEX-10? 



None of the posts above correlate to the options i see in WinreducerEX-10.

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

takitezsdc wrote:
Can someone post what they disable and remove etc.......that follows the options in WinreducerEX-10? 



None of the posts above correlate to the options i see in WinreducerEX-10.

5 = Remove
4 = Disabled
3 = Manuall
2= Automatic
1 = Automatic (Delayed)


<Element Category="Services" Name="ActiveX Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="App Readiness Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Background Intelligent Transfer Service" Selected="false" Value="" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Beep Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="BitLocker Drive Encryption Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Block Level Backup Engine Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Bluetooth Support Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="BranchCache Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="COM+ Event System Service" Selected="false" Value="2" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="COM+ System Application Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Diagnostic Policy Services" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Diagnostic Tracking Service" Selected="false" Value="2" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Family Safety Service" Selected="OK" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Fax Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="File History Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="HomeGroup Listener and Provider Services" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="HyperV Services" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Offline Files Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Optimize Drives Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Peer Name Resolution Protocol Services" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Printer Support Services" Selected="false" Value="2" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Problem Reports and Solutions Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Program Compatibility Assistant Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Remote Access Manager Services" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Remote Desktop Services" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Remote Registry Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Secondary Logon Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Security Center Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Sensor Monitoring Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Smart Card Services" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="SNMP Trap Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="SSDP Discovery Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Superfetch Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="System Event Notification Service" Selected="false" Value="" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Telephony Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Telnet Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="UPnP Device Host Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Volume Shadow Copy Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Windows Connect Now Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Windows Biometric Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Windows Defender Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Windows Error Reporting Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Windows Firewall Service" Selected="false" Value="2" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Windows Indexing Service" Selected="false" Value="1" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Windows Store Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Windows Time Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Windows Update Service" Selected="false" Value="" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="WLAN AutoConfig Service" Selected="false" Value="3" />
    <Element Category="Services" Name="Work Folders Service" Selected="true" Value="5" />

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

And are all these "safe" ? I am looking for a win10 build with as many things removed......that is working 90% or better, then i figure I can enable things I want but know that the base is working.

Question,  is there a way to modify the SFC /scannow program inside windows? So after you have a good copy of Win10 that works, I want to be able to run SFC /scannow and it fix issues with windows going forward. But now regardless of what I do, if i take anything out of windows Sfc /scannow comes up with an errors.  Hope you understand what I am asking......?

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

takitezsdc wrote:
And are all these "safe" ? I am looking for a win10 build with as many things removed......that is working 90% or better, then i figure I can enable things I want but know that the base is working.

i would say yes they work for me so they should be safe.
but you could use the vipers preset which just disables etc services. just be sure to not disable windows firewall because that breaks the start menu at the moment

Question,  is there a way to modify the SFC /scannow program inside windows? So after you have a good copy of Win10 that works, I want to be able to run SFC /scannow and it fix issues with windows going forward. But now regardless of what I do, if i take anything out of windows Sfc /scannow comes up with an errors.  Hope you understand what I am asking......?

i dont know, never used SFC so i cant say if there is a way to config what sfc is scanning

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

KRX , question............lets say i have a good full working copy of windows 10 installed  untouched by winreducer, with all my drivers and programs i want.  Is  there a way to extract / copy all those drivers and programs from my working copy of windows....... into a wim or install file that I can incorporate into my ISO that I make with WinReducer10?

I tried using [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] because it has a backup program built into it, that backs up all your drivers. So i was trying to find a way to make a WIM or installer out of it......but the files are .BCB? And I cant figure out how to convert them so they can be used with Winreducer10. sigh........

See my issue is not so much installing windows, its the time that it takes to install ALL the dam drivers and ALL the programs I use.  It takes me 5-6 hours min to install windows and then all my drivers and then all my software. THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY.  /sigh frustrated.

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable


you could use this software:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

just selct the driver you want to save (click always on + and select also the inf etc files)

that should save your drivers which you could integrate into your iso with winreducer.

im not sure if that works with nvidia, but for smal drivers like usb 3.0 etc it worked always for me

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

says " unable to connect"  I think I have that blocked in my " hosts" file.  Do you have another link? Sourceforge is known for a lot of virus ridden software.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

hahahha NOW I know why your having to reinstall windows every 3 weeks Very Happy lol!

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

Yep.....that link has 3 trojans and a rootkit in it. DO NOT download it or use it.  I used my virtual box to download and install.... malwarebytes then detected them.   Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

Services that are safe to disable Captur11

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable


Have you tried by downloading drivers directly from your hardware manufacturer(s) and extract the files directly from official drivers ?

descriptionServices that are safe to disable Emptyhummmm

winterstorm2050 wrote:

Have you tried by downloading drivers directly from your hardware manufacturer(s) and extract the files directly from official drivers ?

Yes But that's like 30+ drivers plus.. which i would not mind doing IF could get one to work  Smile I cant seem to get that to work in WinReducer. Crying or Very sad  KrX was working with me...but he has 4 jobs and is in school .....i don't want to keep bothering him lol........ I have just about read your entire site and cant find a simple step by step tutorial on how to exactly do that.......if I am missing something please guide me to where it might be? please?

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

You have 2 choices :
- use OOBE : to launch all drivers installation executable during installation (maybe some of them have silent switch to install them without users interaction) ... this is the easiest way to start Smile
- extract by yourself your your all *.inf and associated files for your drivers and integrate them directly in your ISO : this is a little more difficult than the OOBE method, but not so hard.

Let's admit that you want integrate Intel HD Graphics drivers for windows 10 x64 :

1 - Go to the download page in Intel website, for example this page : .... and download the *.exe file for OOBE (or the zip file for inf drivers)

2 - With OOBE : just use the add files button in the EX-100 "Integrate - OOBE" tab to add the exe file you downloaded ... that's it Wink if you want to add more software or drivers with exe or msi extension, repeat exactly the same procedure

3 - For drivers extraction : use 7zip (or winzip) to extraction the zip file you downloaded. then copy all folders which contain an inf .... for instance, "Graphics" and "DisplayAudio" to a folder named "Intel HD Graphics" in  "...\WORK\INTEGRATE\DRIVERS\x64\Install" ... then mount your Windows 10 ISO ... go to the "Integrate" tab in EX-100 and choose the folder "...\WORK\INTEGRATE\DRIVERS\x64\Install" for "integrate drivers (install)" options. So your drivers will be automatically integrated in your ISO

Of course for your 30+ drivers, you will have to take time, or you may try to select all drivers you absolutely need and keep all other for an installation when you will use them Wink

descriptionServices that are safe to disable EmptyRe: Services that are safe to disable

Im getting a problem with wifi connection, i cant navigate https sites with reduced iso [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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