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descriptionUpdate EmptyUpdate

Hi there,

Is there any place where I can see how I integrate windows update and driver and .net using winreducer

descriptionUpdate EmptyRe: Update

Hello and wlecome,

* For "Updates" :
- To download them, you could use the "WinReducer Downloader Tool" : Go to "HOME" icon -> "TOOLS" icon ->"Updates Downloader", then choose x86 or x64, and choose all updates you need.
- Then once your windows editions is mounted : choose "System" tab -> "Integrate Updates", and choose the "..." to select your updates storage folder ... if download them using WinReducer, you just have to hit "OK", and everything will be configured for you.

* For ".NET" :
- All necessary are downloaded from your ISO during mount process
- Then once your windows editions is mounted : choose "System" tab -> "Integrate Net Framework", and choose the "..." to select your updates storage folder ... you just have to hit "OK", and everything will be configured for you.

* For "Drivers" :
- You need to get all inf files (and associated files) from official drivers for your hardware, put them in separate folders for each hardware you have, in the folder "WORK\Integrate\Drivers\x86 (or x64)
- Then once your windows editions is mounted : choose "System" tab -> "Integrate Drivers", and choose the "..." to select your updates storage folder ... you just have to hit "OK", and everything will be configured for you.

Hope this help you.

descriptionUpdate EmptyRe: Update

Thank you, it works.

I have just one more question:

When I go into WinReducer Downloader Tool, I get this message:

Available Updates Catalog ........

How do I get the last windows update with?

descriptionUpdate EmptyRe: Update


You are welcome ... Smile

When you see this message (with the number version : all new catalog will have updated number), just hit OK, then in the "Windows Updates" tab, just select all updates in "Important" field.

There are less updates because MS is providing cumulative updates each time. So, in fact in Windows 8.1, you had to download many updates, and in Windows they are regrouped in 1 cumulative update. Much more easier !

If a new catalog update is available, I always inform in the website "Latest News" page ... then you just reopen the WinReducer Downloader Tool, and the update is visible in "Important" field. Once you will hit "Download" button, the deprecated update (previous cumulative update) will be automatically deleted, and replaced by the new one you download.

In the "Windows Updates" tab, you have also "Various" tools to download, but take care they are executable, so they are not integrated with all Windows Updates, if you want to install them just use the WinReducer OOBE tool to launch them during the 1st logon after your installation ... Wink

Have a good day !

descriptionUpdate EmptyRe: Update

So I automatically receive the new cataloger? for Windows 10?

descriptionUpdate EmptyRe: Update

Yes, each time I will update it, you will be able to download the new cumulative updates ... Wink
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