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descriptionCreate Windows 10 Flash drive w/drivers EmptyCreate Windows 10 Flash drive w/drivers

With WinReducer EX-100 can I create a bootable USB Flash drive with Windows 10 along with drivers for my computer hardware?
If it possible and there is a tutorial on this website I have not been able to find it and apologize.


descriptionCreate Windows 10 Flash drive w/drivers EmptyRe: Create Windows 10 Flash drive w/drivers

The best way to do it is to use Winreducer to create an ISO, and then use 'Rufus' (or a similar program, but I recommend 'Rufus'.) to create a bootable flash drive. It's quite simple.

If your flash drive is already partitioned and formatted correctly, you could simply copy all the files in the folder created by Winreducer, onto the flash drive. (You have to make sure whether the flashdrive is partitioned as GPT or MBR, and formatted as Fat32 or NTFS respectively, depending on whether your target system runs in UEFI or BIOS mode respectively. You could all this do this with diskpart in the command line, but if this is new for you, then just use Rufus.)

descriptionCreate Windows 10 Flash drive w/drivers EmptyRe: Create Windows 10 Flash drive w/drivers


You could use this tutorial to know how to do with WinReducer :
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WinReducer is also able to automatically copy the content of your WinReducer customized ISO in your USB key, after the customization process ... Wink ... for this you have all options in the "ISO Creator" tool  ... Smile

descriptionCreate Windows 10 Flash drive w/drivers EmptyRe: Create Windows 10 Flash drive w/drivers

Thank you both. 
For some reason I am having problems with WinReducer recognizing my USB flash drive but that has been after formatting it using Windows. I did not know there was an option to do it with WinReducer. I guess I should read tutorials for some of the other versions and not just EX-100 which is what I have, since that tutorial is in the 8.1 section.
But alas I am new to this software and just need to get more familiar with it.
I was having the problems with the flash drive at the end of putting my ISO file all together but I think I will use Rufus or diskpart which I have done in the past, as you suggested aymanalz and next time will set up my USB drive the way you suggested winterstorm.
Now my question is about loading drivers but I guess I should start a whole new post with that one.  Smile

descriptionCreate Windows 10 Flash drive w/drivers EmptyRe: Create Windows 10 Flash drive w/drivers

Please disregard my comment about the instructions to create a bootable USB drive being in 8.1, I just saw that it is under the EX version tutorial.
Next time I had better wear my glasses.
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