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descriptionAverage size reduction of WR10? EmptyAverage size reduction of WR10?

I havent tested this at all yet so I dont know the full functionality of WR10.

I have a 32GB SSD, so need to be sure that this will fit on it. What is the average install size of a WR10 reduction? Is it close to WR8.1?


descriptionAverage size reduction of WR10? EmptyRe: Average size reduction of WR10?

Hey theKramer,

For the moment, this is not perfectly optimized with removing stuff ...

But a new version will be released tomorrow to fix most of the annoying bugs ...

Then I will start the deployment of the new removing engine v3.00, only in EX-100 at first, which will also greatly improve the cleaning process of Windows 10 !

Have a good day my friend !
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