I have a ASUS eee pc 900, with a 4GB SSD and 1GB of RAM.
I already found remnants of discussions where people claimed they had 8.1 installed on their eee pc with 4GB SSD, using vlite or reducer.
Is this possible with redcuer ? I onyl want to use the eee pc to surf and maybe watch photos from USB or SD. I dont want to install any additional software,
except for amybe flash or VLC.
Is it possible to reduce windows 8.1 to around 3 gigabyte and still work "normally" with it ?
I have a ASUS eee pc 900, with a 4GB SSD and 1GB of RAM.
I already found remnants of discussions where people claimed they had 8.1 installed on their eee pc with 4GB SSD, using vlite or reducer.
Is this possible with redcuer ? I onyl want to use the eee pc to surf and maybe watch photos from USB or SD. I dont want to install any additional software,
except for amybe flash or VLC.
Is it possible to reduce windows 8.1 to around 3 gigabyte and still work "normally" with it ?