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description[ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous Empty[ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous

Hi there,

im facing the problem, that my setups in the post installer are starting to quick, means sometimes i got 2 setups at the same time so one setup brings up the error "another installation is already running".

is there any batch command with which i can define to start the setup only if the previous is completed?

This is my .bat


for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.wim set CDROM=%%i:
if not defined CDROM goto :eof
echo Detected CDROM as drive %CDROM%

Title Standard Install
Color F0

@echo  **********     Welcome     **********
Color 0F

"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\cdbxp.exe" /SP- /VERYSILENT /NORESTART
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\Firefox.exe" -ms /norestart
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\WinmailOpener.exe" /S
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\sqlany12.msi" /qb
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\vlcwin64.exe" /S

thanks in advance

description[ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous


In the top right of the WinReducer oobe window tool, you should a menu. If you use it you will some options to add in your batch : like a "Pause" ... but if you want to add a pause in your actual file, you could just add the word Pause just after all executable, like this :


for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.wim set CDROM=%%i:
if not defined CDROM goto :eof
echo Detected CDROM as drive %CDROM%

Title Standard Install
Color F0

@echo  **********    Welcome    **********
Color 0F

"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\cdbxp.exe" /SP- /VERYSILENT /NORESTART
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\Firefox.exe" -ms /norestart
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\WinmailOpener.exe" /S
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\sqlany12.msi" /qb
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\vlcwin64.exe" /S

The only inconvenient is that : each time you finish installing a software you need to go the opened batch file to hit a key ... to start your next software installation.

I've already said that I'm working on improvements to the WinReducer OOBE tool, and this will be one of them (and also a fix for administrator rights) ... Wink

description[ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous

Hi Xo

Do you know which ones are starting too quick?
You could use the start /wait command to force it to wait, for example


start /wait "%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\cdbxp.exe" /SP- /VERYSILENT /NORESTART
start /wait "%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\Firefox.exe" -ms /norestart
start /wait "%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\Standard\FoxitReader.exe" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP-

Once the executable has finished it should automatically move onto the next one...

description[ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous

Hi userXo,

I faced the exact problem myself a week ago. The solution is a bit tricky.

When running a command like you did the system implicitly calls the command "START". This has an optional parameter "/WAIT" (without the quotes) which does exactly what you want. There is only one thing you need to pay attention: Between the command and the wait-Parameter is another optional parameter for the title, which is supplied with surrounding quotes. You need to specify an empty title or otherwise the silent-switches are applied to the START-command and not to the called program.


START "" /WAIT "%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\jre-8u45-windows-i586.exe" /s

Best regards

description[ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous

BiberM wrote:
Hi userXo,

I faced the exact problem myself a week ago. The solution is a bit tricky.

When running a command like you did the system implicitly calls the command "START". This has an optional parameter "/WAIT" (without the quotes) which does exactly what you want. There is only one thing you need to pay attention: Between the command and the wait-Parameter is another optional parameter for the title, which is supplied with surrounding quotes. You need to specify an empty title or otherwise the silent-switches are applied to the START-command and not to the called program.


START "" /WAIT "%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\jre-8u45-windows-i586.exe" /s

Best regards

just creating the new .iso and let's see if its working Very Happy
many thanks guys for your responses! i will post feedback asap!

description[ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Post Installer - start setup only after completed the previous

Its working gr8 Biber!!
Many thanks Wink
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