Hello everyone.
I come to you for a problem for post insallation OOBE.
Indeed after windows installation script is copied to the root of the hard disk and executed.
Here is the file:
The problem is that for every program starts it opens the dialog to have administrator rights.
Is there a way around this wide preservation?
Thank you for the interest paid to my post
I come to you for a problem for post insallation OOBE.
Indeed after windows installation script is copied to the root of the hard disk and executed.
Here is the file:
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.wim set CDROM=%%i:
if not defined CDROM goto :eof
echo Detected CDROM as drive %CDROM%
Title Wintony 1.0
Color F0
@echo ********** Bienvenue **********
@echo ********** Installation OFFICE 2013 **********
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\OFFICE2013\setup.exe" /config "%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\OFFICE2013\proplusr.ww\config.xml "
@echo ********** Installation CHROME **********
msiexec /q /I "%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\googlechromestandaloneenterprise.msi"
@echo ********** Installation NOTEPAD **********
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\npp.6.7.4.Installer.exe" /S
@echo ********** Installation Winrar **********
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\winrar_5-21_en_9632_64.exe" /S
@echo ********** Installation Ccleaner **********
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\ccsetup503.exe" /S
@echo ********** Installation VLC **********
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\vlc-2.1.5-win32.exe" /S
@echo ********** Installation Menu **********
@echo ********** ACTIVATION **********
"%CDROM%\WinReducerPI\[CENSORED] 10.0.3 Install\[CENSORED]" /silent
REM md c:\Users\Public\Desktop\Administration
REM move /y c:\Users\Public\Desktop\CCleaner.lnk c:\users\Public\Desktop\Administration
The problem is that for every program starts it opens the dialog to have administrator rights.
Is there a way around this wide preservation?
Thank you for the interest paid to my post