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descriptionSymlinking when installed, (For windows on SSD's with HDD as secondary) EmptySymlinking when installed, (For windows on SSD's with HDD as secondary)


Is there any way to symlink when installing? Like, after installation you can boot into the Windows install dvd/usb, then load up the command prompt.


Troubleshoot -> Advanced Options -> Command Prompt.

Then type:


robocopy /copyall /mir /xj C:\Users D:\Users.



robocopy copies files.
/copyall gets all the folders.
/mir copies the user permissions and other metadata.
/xj stops robocopy from following symbolic links.
C:\Users is your original Users folder (on your SSD or original drive).
D:\Users is where you want the Users folder to be stored from now on.

Then type:


rmdir /S /Q C:\Users
(to replace C:\Users with your original Users folder location.
/S   Removes all directories and files in the specified directory in addition to the directory itself. Used to remove a directory tree.
/Q   Quiet mode, do not ask if ok to remove a directory tree with /S.)


mklink /J "C:\Users" "D:\Users"
(mklink /J makes a symbolic link (or directory junction).)

Unless i misunderstood how symlinks function. But i'd guess most people who install on ssd's have limited space and defiantly don't want a bunch of temp files and so on on it.
Should probably be on other versions as well as windows 7,8 ect. but felt like a waste posting the same on everyone of those request threads.

descriptionSymlinking when installed, (For windows on SSD's with HDD as secondary) EmptyRe: Symlinking when installed, (For windows on SSD's with HDD as secondary)


There is a simpler way to achieve this from the autounattend.xml file
This is exactly what I do when I install Windows (C drive, just Windows;   D drive, Users folder)


  <settings pass="oobeSystem">
    <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="NonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">

You'll notice that you can also set the ProgramData folder to be on the D drive too. (uncomment the line)

Note:  You'll have to format the D drive during the setup process, the C drive is normally formatted automatically.
If installing from a USB drive, you need to remove the drive from the computer at the point when it wants to reboot the machine, otherwise the USB drive takes the letter D  (very annoying!)

Sorry if that doesn't help you.
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