- Spartan Browser Engine activate
- GodMode & Enable new clock
- Jump Lists activate
- Accelerate Update
- Use maps offline
- enable Jump Lists
- Show drive letters before drive names in This PC / Computer folder
- disable OneDrive
- Safe mode to the Boot menu in Windows 10
- Enable the legacy boot menu in Windows 10
- Enable NumLock by default
- Disable touch screen in Windows 10
1. Browser Engine activate: Internet Explorer -> about:config
2. GodMode:
Right-click an empty spot on the desktop -> Context menu "New Folder" -> Right new folder -> from the context menu "Rename" and change the name of the folder -> GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
3. Accelerate Update
4. Enable new clock with additional Watches:
Registry Editor -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> ImmersiveShell -> new -> DWORD-Wert (32-Bit) name: UseWin32TrayClockExperience -> close Registry Editor -> ready
additional Watches
5. Use maps offline:
Maps -> Settings -> top left 3 dashes -> offline maps -> download or upgrade cards -> download a map
6. enable Jump Lists:
Registry Editor -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -> new -> DWORD-Wert (32-Bit) name: EnableXamlJumpView -> set it to 1 -> close Registry Editor -> Restart Windows 10
7. Show drive letters before drive names in This PC / Computer folder
before -> after
- >
Registry Editor -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer -> new -> DWORD-Wert (32-Bit) -> ShowDriveLettersFirst -> set it to 1-4 -> sign out now
0 - will show all drive letters AFTER drive labels.
1 - will show network drive letters BEFORE their labels, but show local drive labels AFTER their labels.
2 - will hide all drive letters
4 - will show all drive letters BEFORE drive labels.
8: disable Onedrive
Prevent start of OneDrive and the establishment -> C:\User\Your Name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive rename +OneDrive.exe
OneDrive completely disable Windows 10 -> gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / OneDrive -> Prevent use of Onedrive for data storage -> Double click and set it to enabled and OneDrive is now disabled
OneDrive in the registry to disable Windows 10 disable->
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
OneDrive in the registry to enable Windows 10 ->
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Remove OneDrive in File Explorer
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Onedrive completely uninstall Windows 10 -> If you remove OneDrive Windows 10 is not "yet" possible?
9: Safe mode to the Boot menu in Windows 10
- Open an elevated command prompt.
- Type the following command:
- bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Windows 10 Safe Mode"
- bcdedit /set {guid} safeboot minimal
- bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Windows 10 Safe Mode with Networking Support"
- bcdedit /set {guid} safeboot network
- bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Windows 10 Safe Mode (Command Prompt)"
- bcdedit /set {guid} safeboot minimal
Finally, make it use the command prompt instead of the Explorer shell: - bcdedit /set {guid} safebootalternateshell yes
10: Enable the legacy boot menu in Windows 10
activate: bcdedit /set "{current}" bootmenupolicy legacy
deactivate: bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard
11: Enable NumLock by default
Registry Editor -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard -> InitialKeyboardIndicators -> 2
InitialKeyboardIndicators value
0 = Turn all indicators off (NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock)
1 = Turn CapsLock on
2 = Turn NumLock on
3 = Turn CapsLock and NumLock on
4 = Turn ScrollLock on
5 = Turn CapsLock and ScrollLock on
6 = Turn NumLock and ScrollLock on
7 = Turn all indicators on (NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock)
12: Disable touch screen in Windows 10
Right click the device you located and pick "Disable" from its context menu.