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descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS EmptyWindows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS


  1. Spartan Browser Engine activate
  2. GodMode & Enable new clock
  3. Jump Lists activate
  4. Accelerate Update
  5. Use maps offline
  6. enable Jump Lists
  7. Show drive letters before drive names in This PC / Computer folder
  8. disable OneDrive
  9. Safe mode to the Boot menu in Windows 10
  10. Enable the legacy boot menu in Windows 10
  11. Enable NumLock by default
  12. Disable touch screen in Windows 10

1. Browser Engine activate: Internet Explorer -> about:config
Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS 35697112

2. GodMode: Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS Godmod10
Right-click an empty spot on the desktop -> Context menu "New Folder" -> Right new folder -> from the context menu "Rename" and change the name of the folder -> GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

3. Accelerate Update
Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS 35666510

4. Enable new clock with additional Watches:
Registry Editor -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> ImmersiveShell -> new -> DWORD-Wert (32-Bit) name: UseWin32TrayClockExperience -> close Registry Editor -> ready

additional Watches
Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS New_wi12 Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS New_wi11

5. Use maps offline:
Maps -> Settings -> top left 3 dashes -> offline maps -> download or upgrade cards -> download a map
Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS Map10

6. enable Jump Lists:
Registry Editor -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -> new  -> DWORD-Wert (32-Bit) name: EnableXamlJumpView -> set it to 1 -> close Registry Editor -> Restart Windows 10
Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS Jump-l10

7. Show drive letters before drive names in This PC / Computer folder
before -> after
Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS Drive_10 - > Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS Drive_11

Registry Editor -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer -> new  -> DWORD-Wert (32-Bit) -> ShowDriveLettersFirst -> set it to 1-4 -> sign out now

0 - will show all drive letters AFTER drive labels.
1 - will show network drive letters BEFORE their labels, but show local drive labels AFTER their labels.
2 - will hide all drive letters
4 - will show all drive letters BEFORE drive labels.

8: disable Onedrive

Prevent start of OneDrive and the establishment -> C:\User\Your Name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive  rename +OneDrive.exe

OneDrive completely disable Windows 10 -> gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / OneDrive -> Prevent use of Onedrive for data storage -> Double click and set it to enabled and OneDrive is now disabled

OneDrive in the registry to disable Windows 10 disable->


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



OneDrive in the registry to enable Windows 10 ->


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Remove OneDrive in File Explorer


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





Onedrive completely uninstall Windows 10 -> If you remove OneDrive Windows 10 is not "yet" possible?

9: Safe mode to the Boot menu in Windows 10

  1. Open an elevated command prompt.
  2. Type the following command:

    1. bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Windows 10 Safe Mode"
    2. bcdedit /set {guid} safeboot minimal

    3. bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Windows 10 Safe Mode with Networking Support"
    4. bcdedit /set {guid} safeboot network

    5. bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Windows 10 Safe Mode (Command Prompt)"
    6. bcdedit /set {guid} safeboot minimal

      Finally, make it use the command prompt instead of the Explorer shell:
    7. bcdedit /set {guid} safebootalternateshell yes

10: Enable the legacy boot menu in Windows 10
activate: bcdedit /set "{current}" bootmenupolicy legacy
deactivate: bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard

11: Enable NumLock by default

Registry Editor -> HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard -> InitialKeyboardIndicators -> 2

InitialKeyboardIndicators value
0 = Turn all indicators off (NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock)
1 = Turn CapsLock on
2 = Turn NumLock on
3 = Turn CapsLock and NumLock on
4 = Turn ScrollLock on
5 = Turn CapsLock and ScrollLock on
6 = Turn NumLock and ScrollLock on
7 = Turn all indicators on (NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock)

12: Disable touch screen in Windows 10

Right click the device you located and pick "Disable" from its context menu.
Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS Hid10

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS

ty m8 Smile

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10041 - 13 TWEAKS

Hello guys,

Yes nice collections of tweaks ... thank you very much Hen Ry !
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